

  • Hey Archie - remember my whole (annoying) 'getting back on the horse' speech? It's the same deal here. I know people who sabotage themselves by getting so overwrought about one piece (or five pieces) of cake, that they just chuck it all - including their progress. For one thing, it's fairly accepted that it's better to be…
  • Hey Archie! I'm guessing you're trying to follow P90X's first nutrition phase (fat shredder)? If so, trying to get 50% of your calories from protein IS really, REALLY hard. Nearly impossible without supplementing. It's even harder as a vegetarian, as some of the highest-ratio carb-to-protein foods are tuna and turkey. Do…
  • Archie - good for you for getting BACK on the program! We're all human; we get busy, we miss days. The key is getting back on the horse; too many people take an all-or-nothing approach. Tony's mantra is true on ALL levels: Do your best and forget the rest - whether that's reps of an exercise or only being able to…
  • Rachel - Congrats! I just started a week ago. It's great. My best tip is: don't under-eat. They mention it in the guidebook - and they're not kidding; it's surprisingly easy to NOT eat enough calories - when you aren't eating pizza, doughnuts, or other calorie bombs. Today's my first day on MFP - which I signed-up for…
    in P90X? Comment by Gully68 August 2010
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