wheelercheryl Member


  • I just started drinking ketones and I'm not sure what a good food program would look like to really see results. Exactly what kind of fats do you eat? I don't like diary or saturated fats. But I could be talked into eating goats cheese! Love to join this group.
  • I have been on the ketone drink and lost my desire for desserts which is huge. But. The scale has not moved. I exercise five days a week. I eat very clean. All fresh. No fast food. It has been almost a month. I'm going to log absolutely every morsel if food that passes my lips and figure this out. I have spent a fortune on…
  • I love the thought too of just for today....just for today I can be disciplined with my eating and input all that I eat into my fitness pal. just for today i can stay on this plan...just for today I will love myself enough to change my habits. Thanks for sharing