

  • I haven't had any dairy since starting RI30. I miss my cheese! I drink soy milk in my coffee. I'll usually have a piece of fruit for breakfast, a snack midmorning, like celery w/ PB. For lunch I'll have half a PB sandwhich with a smoothie with tons of veggies in it. Midafternoon I've been snacking on brown ricecakes (no…
  • I just finished Day 4 of Week 3. SO CLOSE I CAN TASTE IT. I have lost 9 lbs since starting RI30 2.5 weeks ago. However, I've also been eating extremely healthy with very little "cheat" meals. I can definitely see a difference and it is so worth it! I think I might start 6 Week 6 Pack after I finish RI30!
  • Just started Level 2, Day One. It may have been a little much for me, considering I did puke a little. :)
  • I was at 132 last week. Got down to 130. My goal is 115-120. I heard an idea from someone where they had asked people to "like" their Facebook status and for every "like" they would run a mile in February. I got 37 likes, and have done 7.43 so!