

  • JulieB21 What I meant by professional manner is to confront those who are insensitive and make them aware they are being so without getting emotional, without name calling, without hearsay, and without accusation. As an example: I am a male. You wear a new outfit to work and I notice it. I offer you what I consider to be a…
  • jmohrweiss I did not intend to judge you with my comments. I believe you are handling the issue in the manner that best suits you. None of us here work with you and none of us can completely understand the people you are dealing with, but you are dealing with them and that is excellent. I sincerely wish you well and…
  • CM, No one asked for my approval and I did not grant or deny it. I was not insensitive. Instead, I explained how I viewed the issue, offered a way to use the hurt other than internalizing it, offered a possible solution, and explained where I was coming from. What value have you provided to this thread? A ultra-skinny low…
  • Ok. I feel the need to give my 2 cents. I have no doubt that being asked if you are pregnant hurts. But face it, you are overweight and that's why you're here. Use the pain as a motivator. As a male, I get the "Putting on a few lbs for the winter, eh?" question at family gatherings. I laugh it off, but you can be damn sure…
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