

  • If you go to goals it tells you how much you normally would intake. the site subtracts calories depending on how many pounds you want to loose. If you go over a little you will still loose weight. Most people put they want to loose 1.5 to 2 pounds a week, so that is how the site gets 1200. If you go over it would be just…
  • Go get a good vitamin. Time released is best. I figured that out the hard way. I got sick a couple days ago because I hadn't eaten and had already done 2 classes. Hmm no fridge or microwave that makes it a little difficult. Bananas don't need to be in the fridge. cheez its are 150 calories for 25 eat them slow. Get a…
  • Hi there. First of all I LOVE ZUMBA!!!!! I do it 3 times a week now. Next I eat like you kinda. I am very picky and hate salad of any kind. If your heart rate is in training zone it should be ok for the elliptical and treadmill. If you don't know what your heart rate should be the gym should have posters. As for food I…
  • I am no where close to that goal yet but have you tried a zumba class. Burns 800 to 1000 calories in an hour class and its fun. My favorite meal is grilled chicken with swiss cheese and steamed veggies. Its filling but still light. Hope that helps a little.
  • My husband wears 5 finger shoes. He loves them. He is in the USMC and that is all he runs in now. He is a lacrosse player so he has big toned calves, and the shoes still makes his calves sore.
  • They don't do anything. It's all a mind game to make people want to walk longer. Walking alone tones your butt and calves. So people think if they buy these special shoes it will work better. Just get a pair of walking shoes and start walking. If you want really toned calves try running in vibrum 5 toes. They make you run…
  • You look amazing. Congrats on all the weight loss. Again you look fantastic keep at it. I hope I am there eventually.
  • Get tattoo before enlisting easier to ask for forgiveness on the tattoo than enlist and then get it and get in trouble. And make sure it is somewhere you can't see it in shorts and short sleeve shirt. It is easier to get a wavier if you already have tattoo then do paperwork and them find out that you lied I used to be in…
  • You don't have to be really active to loose wait. Try home cooking instead of going out. Just the simple fact that you are writing it down helps. Remember how much you were having before without knowing it. Try to find a fun workout to keep your mind off the the sugars and things that are present in everyday. Try to find a…
  • I too have been looking into the shred, and have read a lot of good things about it. I workout 6 or 7 times a week. My husband is a marine so I just do all the classes on base. Find a zumba class somewhere. It doesn't come up in the exercise section but I looked it up it burns 800- 1000 calories per hour. On top of it…