milliasmomma Member


  • Good Morning! Through my journey I have come to realize I too am an emotional eater!! I have always been active.... but you can never out run a bad diet!! :lol: So I am working hard on clean eating (more protein, less carbs; more veggies, less fast food/junk!) I'm usually on my phone not my computer... so if you want to…
  • Hi I would like to join in!! July 1- 6,573 July 2- 4,968 July 3- 566 :neutral: July 4- 7,331 July 5- 4,640 July 6- 8,601 My goal is to stick to 10,000 steps during the summer! Sounds crazy i know! I'm a teacher and during the school year I'm constantly on the go and get any where from 12,000-15,000 steps in everyday!!…
  • Hi My name is Dawn! I would like to join the challenge. I have been using my MFP on and off for the last few years... really need some motivated friends to keep me going. I only have like 4 friends (co-workers etc) that are on MFP.... It's nice to see motivated people in your news feed to relate to, keep motivation going,…
  • I started a couple of years ago walking /jogging on the treadmill. I decided to start running 5k races. I didn't really drop any weight just inches. which I decided was ok with me at the time. I told my husband I wanted to do a mud run.... he thought I was crazy!! I was 5'3" about 230lbs. at the time. I kept running on the…
  • Good Job!! You look great!! Your positive attitude is awesome!! <3
  • You look great!! It's so nice to try something on and your "normal" size be too big!! I've done that recently..... Love it!! Dawn
  • The last post was for scoutmomof8 !!!
  • I have family in Utah!!
  • Sunny Southern California.... although its been raining here the last few days!!
  • Hi I'm Dawn!! :0)
  • Hi my name is Dawn. I am 40 years, been married 14 years. I have 3 wonderful boys 19, 9, and 3!! They keep me busy!! I have been on MFP for about 1 year... but really didn't use it to it's full potential! My husband and I are going on a cruise to Alaska in June and I would really like to drop 30 pounds!! I really need more…
  • Hi Ladies! My name is Dawn, I will be 40 in November... Hopefully you ladies are ok with me joining early!! I live in Southern Ca. Married 14 years, I have 3 boys 19, 9, 2! I have been on MFP for a few months mostly using my phone app. I only have 2 friends on here so I would really like some more friends for the…
  • Love it! A good reminder for me! <3
  • I really agree!! Go and do YOUR best! And only compare yourself to yourself! I just ran a 5k on Sat. and I ran it in 43:29. But my goal was to be under 44:00..... I have ran the same race for several years and my first time was 58:00, then I kept going faster and faster.... I only compare my time in this one race against…