wishfuljune Member


  • @lauren_989 - Rhode Island is such a small state LOL but that is so cool! I am familiar with Richmond. 😊 Hopefully the weather is nice when you are up in the area in July! We had such a rainy summer last year. PW: 196.8 CW: 197.4 So far, I have completed 60 minutes of intentional exercise and have another 30-minute session…
  • @jugar and @EvMakesChanges - Thinking of you and your family during this time and your father’s passing. Hi everyone, I am Chelsey and I live in Rhode Island. My husband and I have a dog who we spoil every chance we can. I’ve been successful with weight loss in the past, going from my highest of over 220lbs to my lowest of…
  • On Sunday, 4/28, I checked off “try something new” because I played bocce for the first time with a friend of mine. It was a lot of fun! On Monday, 4/29, I checked off “time with pe” because I took my dog out for a 2 1/2 mile walk after work. The weather was just so beautiful I knew I wanted to go for a longer walk, and he…
  • Hi all! Looking forward to returning for the month of May. 😊 April was such a busy month for me for both work and personal reasons, and I also had to travel for two weeks out of the month, so it made sense to take a break. My starting weight for May is: 196.8 I’m honestly pleased to see this because my workouts and eating…
  • @jugar - Hi! This month has been crazy busy for me with work travel and personal things that I will need to take a step back. I’m hoping to rejoin in May.
  • PW: 196.2 CW: 196.6 Good week of workouts, not a great week for snacking after dinner.
  • 3/15: PW: 197.4 CW: 196.2 I’ve been definitely yo-yoing and I know why - I’m not committed on the weekends. A latte here, a croissant there, lunch and dinner out, etc. It all adds up. This weekend, I am going to play some board games with friends and I am committing to myself to not mindlessly snack. To help with it, I…
  • 2/8 (Late - sorry!) PW: 196.2 CW: 197.4 Not surprising since the mini-vacation last weekend. I worked out on Monday and Tuesday, but had to cancel my spin class on Wednesday due to work, and Thursday I just was not up for it. Friday, I recommitted to myself and had a great workout and a good day of eating overall. I know…
  • 2/29 PW: 195.8 CW: 196.2 I’m weighing in early because I am going on a mini-vacation with some friends this weekend and won’t have access to a scale. While not a loss, this is okay. I haven’t had as much of an opportunity to workout besides Monday so far this work week, and I still have to pack for my trip before work this…
  • Happy Saturday! Spin class this morning was pure fire. The playlist was all Taylor Swift and we were all just jamming on the bikes. Love when a good playlist makes the workout feel like it flies by. The hubby and I went to the farmers market, then the grocery store, and I had to swing by a bookstore and makeup store…
  • 2/22 PW: 197.6 CW: 195.2 In the green again! 😁 I have had a very busy week with work. My days start as early as 8:30, and I’m in meetings all day or people will ask me if I have time during the moments I block for myself to catch up on emails and tasks. With all of that, I’m so glad I signed up for classes at 7pm this…
  • 2/15: PW: 195.8 CW: 197.6 Sorry, meant to post this on Friday! My husband and I went out to dinner to celebrate Valentine’s Day, so I am not surprised that this is high. It is also TOM for me which usually leads to some water retention for me. I’ve also been weighing myself again every day, and my average weight from last…
  • @MaddawgMadsen - I’m curious; does your company have a HR department? You shared that you and the President have had to ratify the benefits (PTO) in the past, but was it presented by another group for consideration? I work in HR as a business partner and I have gotten questions like this from others before. I agree with…
  • Sorry all that I’ve been a little quiet on here and for not sharing my steps/exercise… it’s been a month already. Last week I managed only 2 days of workouts because of the craziness with work, and yesterday I had to cancel a workout class late because at 3pm, I had a lot of people reaching out to me on TEAMS for chats…
  • 2/9: PW: 197.4 CW: 195.8 Looks like I am back on the downward trend, which is good! The weekly caloric tracking has been really eye-opening to see which days are perhaps slowing my progress down. I made sure last weekend to stick to my pre-logged plan pretty well on Saturday and Sunday, which mentally took work. I…
  • 2/2: PW: 196.4 CW: 197.4 After my last weigh-in, my weekend was full of eating out and not always making the healthiest choices. I am starting to track my weekly caloric intake to see if I am in a deficit overall. We’ll see how this new logging and tracking progress works for me.
  • PW: 196.8 CW: 196.4 A little loss is still progress. I have been very busy at work (which all of you are used to me sharing now lol) with projects and meetings. Fingers crossed I can leave work at a decent hour (yesterday it was after 6:30pm) to come home, do an at-home workout, and then relax before the weekend. I also…
  • @jugar - that’s wonderful your father is doing better! @lauren_989 - your plan sounds like a good one to use the upcoming time you have to meditate on your “why” for weight loss. Yesterday the missing part of my standing desk arrived, and since I am working from home today, I wanted to set it up. It ended up taking two…
  • Yesterday was a good day for me both nutrition wise and exercise wise. I didn’t hit my steps (it’s still very cold), but I made an effort to walk around my house every so often when I had a break between meetings. The group circuit class yesterday was intense and I am slightly sore today. Looking forward to Yoga with…
  • @MaddawgMadsen - I love this question! I genuinely love how mindful I’ve become about the friendships I want to foster, grow, and care for. After college, that wasn’t necessarily the case, but now I make time to check in with friends and drive over an hour or more to see people that I don’t get an opportunity to see every…
  • @jugar @EvMakesChanges - all the best to you, your families, and your dad. Glad to hear he enjoyed a little dessert! @StayFITTer - thank you for sharing the Decluttering link! I think I will go and check it out myself. This past week was busy and I simply lacked motivation. I know that it was due partially to the TOM and I…
  • 1/19: PW: 195.6 CW: 196.8 Apologies! I thought I posted this but I’m looking back through the notes, I realize I didn’t. I think (and hope) this gain was due to bloating and TOM for me. We’ll see what this upcoming Friday looks like. 1/14 - 1/20 Sun: 60min vinyasa yoga + 3,253 steps Mon: 4,188 steps Tue: 4,619 steps Wed:…
  • Happy Monday all! With the holiday today, I will be going over to a friend’s house to lead our next session of Dungeons & Dragons. I spent about 3-ish hours reviewing materials and the storyline I crafted yesterday for them to play through, but knowing my friends, it’ll be pure chaos and a lot of improvisation today. 😂😂…
  • @ashleycarole86 1/7 - 1/13 Sun: 6,644 steps Mon: 3,183 steps Tue: 35min pilates + 2,744 steps Wed: 3,575 steps Thu: 4,421 steps Fri: 2,586 steps Sat: 45min spin class + 5,807 steps
  • Love all the dialogue around shoes! There is a running/fitness store by us that I have thought about going to for shoes specifically for my circuit classes. My gym sneakers have basically lost most of their tread at this point. I may go this weekend and treat myself to getting shoes fitted! @jugar - wow, an airplane…
  • PW: 196.4 CW: 195.6 One thing that I did well this week was staying relatively close to my food goal, even with strong PMS cravings for dark chocolate. I did have chocolate every day to satisfy those cravings with a chocolate covered pretzel or two. So far, I’ve only had one day of exercise because work has been…
  • @strong_fit_ells - omg! The puppy is so cute! @jugar - That sounds like a fantastic day for you and Jasper, and that meal also sounds delicious! @MaddawgMadsen - Don’t be afraid to be selfish about yourself. No one else is going to dedicate as much time as you will to better yourself. I think about that a lot. It’s very…
  • @strong_fit_ells - Sometimes relationships and friendships run their course, especially if your goals no longer align, and that’s 100% okay. You’re not a horrible person for feeling the way you do about your coworker leaving. @jugar - I love your analogy! It’s very true. Now with PCOS, my calorie deficit has changed…
  • Happy Monday! @eggfreak - Yes! I am a fellow New Englander, and we got mostly snow. I did see the forecast is going to warm up this week so I’m sure most of it will be gone before next weekend. My dog absolutely loves the snow, so I’m a bit bummed for him that it’ll likely be gone soon. I took the day off from work, but I…
  • @ashleycarole86 12/31 - 1/6 Sun: 60min vinyasa yoga class + 3,981 steps Mon: 45min spin class + 7,099 steps Tue: 5,374 steps Wed: 45 min strength class + 5,097 steps Thu: 5,404 steps Fri: 1,819 steps 🫣 Sat: 60min yoga foundations class + 6,973 steps Last night the igloo dinner was a lot of fun! It also started lightly…