wishfuljune Member


  • @MaddawgMadsen - I am thinking of you and your husband! Thank you for sharing and knowing this is a safe space.
  • Hello all! Yesterday was a day that tested my restraint with emotional eating. The pup and I got into a minor accident on our way to his daycare. We’re fine and the owner and their dog are also fine which is good. I had to wait for the police to show up and then file a claim, so what should have been an easy morning,…
  • @MaddawgMadsen - It doesn’t take long at all! I throw the banana, pumpkin, milk, Greek yogurt, and protein powder in my Ninja blender and let that go for 45 seconds. Sometimes I give it another go if it looks like not all the protein powder blended for 10-15 more seconds. Then I basically take a Tbsp and add the hemp…
  • Tuesday checking in here! Slept in this morning because I just could not get myself out of bed. Just one of those mornings! I had another one of my pumpkin pie protein bowls and headed off to my dietician appointment. She looked at my macros and we agreed I am a little too carb heavy (closer to 50%) in my macros, so to…
  • Happy Monday all! I am setting the best of intentions this week by starting my morning with a pumpkin pie protein bowl. It has: real pumpkin for all that fiber, protein powder, Greek yogurt and soy milk for all that protein goodness, banana for sweetness, and then topped with pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds for fat, and some…
  • PW: 193 CW: 193.8 My mini-challenge for when my family and in-laws came went okay. I did get more protein in and more water, but I did not stick to the other two goals. This week was also rather tough food-wise because it finally became TOM for me and my appetite was ravenous! I’d eat a protein heavy meal, and then not…
  • PW: 193.8 CW: 193 Starting the month off in the green! 😊 From last Saturday to today, my average net calories are 1,829. This also takes into account Saturday & Sunday, where I consumed about 2,200 net calories on average. This is a good reminder to me about how to approach the weekends. Last weekend I had a potluck and I…
  • I can only imagine what the Rocky Mountains must look like; I am sure it is beautiful. 😊 Happy Wednesday morning all! Today’s plan is to complete a strength workout and do some more cleaning around the house - I’m thinking continuing with the bathroom. I finally ordered us a bathroom storage cabinet that should be arriving…
  • My name is Chelsey, I am 34 years old, and I am married to a wonderful husband and we have a dog together (Cooper, he is a beagle mix and he’s now 7 years old). We live in New England where autumn is the absolute best. I’m biased, but I do think we have some of the best foliage ☺️to be seen. I am already thrilled by all…
  • PW: 194.2 CW: 193.8 It has been a whirlwind of a week. I missed a workout on Tuesday, but otherwise worked out every day since Monday. I’m doing yoga with a friend tomorrow morning and then Sunday I plan on doing a workout (TBD on what).
  • PW: 194 CW: 194.2 I went out to dinner last night with some friends I hadn’t seen since May, and we went to a Dominican-Asian fusion restaurant. The fusion sushi rolls were very yummy and I had a couple margaritas. This whole week I’ve had contractors over doing work on the house and since they’ve arrived very early every…
  • PW: 193.8 CW: 194 Apologies! I had this all typed up yesterday and forgot. I weigh myself every day and my trend between last week and this week is on average 0.6lb less so I will mentally chalk it up to feeling slightly bloated this morning. I worked out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - all strength based workouts, and…
  • I think it depends on what your goals are. If you are entering a race (ex: 5K), I’d suggest adding more cardio but still keeping your body pump class if it makes you happy if your goal is to have a certain time or run for longer periods. I have found that when I’ve doubled my exercise, I’ll be good for a week, and then the…
  • PW: 193.2 CW: 193.8 Slight increase. Not surprised at all. Last weekend, I traveled to one state for a family reunion, then went to another state to have dinner with my parents, then back to my home state the next day. We also had pizza and we had leftovers for a couple of days so I’m sure some of this is sodium related. I…
  • PW: 192 CW: 193.2 Not bad for a week’s worth of dinners out and ice cream from local shops while on vacation. I’ll share more updates soon but wanted to get my weight in before I passed out from a busy day!
  • PW: 192.4 CW: 192 While it looks a small loss between last Friday and today, my average weight between last week and this week was a loss of around 0.8 lbs., so really good to see! One step at a time. 😁 Overall non-scale positives: I am starting to feel more energized and less stressed because I am moving more with…
  • @MoonlitMuse - OMG! I hope your pup is okay! My dog has eaten a ton of things (including an old peach pit), so we are also very familiar with the trips to ER and the induced vomiting. @MaddawgMadsen - I have found that when I drink alcohol, I am inclined to eat more, so what I do is if I am going to be going out with…
  • PW: 192.4 CW: 192.4 I’m relieved to see I stayed around the same as last week. I had a birthday party for two friends last Saturday where I enjoyed some BBQ chicken, veggies, and cornbread. I had a couple of lower ABV alcohol drinks, and a few sweet treats (ice cream and cake yum!) We went out last night and saw the new…
  • The past couple of days have just felt exhausting! I think it’s because for the last two weeks, I’ve been staying up until midnight taking care of the house and my pup while my husband was on a work trip. This morning, I felt ready to jump into a workout for the first time since Saturday. I did a 30-minute full body…
  • @DD265 - I agree with @wdalzell5401 about Yoga with Adrienne; she has a lot of video content. I’ve also used some of the yoga videos from Move with Nicole or Boho Beautiful Yoga, both on YouTube.
  • Good luck @ashleycarole86 @bowens1973! I hope your race went well and that the heat wasn’t too bad. Yesterday was a chores day. I mowed the front lawn for my first time ever before it got too hot out. I enjoy summer, but this humidity for the past couple of weeks has been terrible. We have also had a lot of rain lately,…
  • PW: 194.8 CW: 192.4 I decided to weigh myself every morning this week while accurately logging my meals to see, if anything, a trend. For the last 7 days, my net average was 1,678 calories, with only Thursday being my “green” day for staying under in my calorie goals. I have essentially stayed flat this month, weight wise,…
  • PW: 193.6 CW: 194.8 My husband and I went out for pizza on Wednesday night, so I could imagine this morning is still feeling the sodium from that. I also did not sleep that well last night either. I’m curious to see how Saturday looks, so I may weigh myself then too just to see. I’m debating on weighing more frequently…
  • @jugar - I just wanted to make sure you saw my weigh-in on 6/23! I posted it but saw the note asking me for my weigh-in. I just thought I would share something funny! I did a workout this morning that included sumo squats. Well, my shorts did not like that at all, and they ripped! I was thankful I was doing my workout at…
  • PW: Missed last week CW: 193.6 Yesterday was my birthday, and we celebrated by going to see one of my favorite podcasts do a live recording. I don’t think I have laughed that much at a show before; it was hysterical! I can’t wait to listen to the release. Today, depending on the weather, I think we’ll walk around quite a…
  • @jugar - may I take a pass this week? I have had to travel for work, and I have also struggled with getting in my workouts. It’s been a very busy and tiring week.
  • PW: 192.0 CW: 193.8 I had some significant appetite changes during the week where I was craving a lot of sweet things. I also was not a 100% with my tracking because I was sick with a sinus cold at the beginning of the week, and had to travel for a funeral yesterday. I also did not work out as much; only 3 days since…
  • My name is Chelsey, I am 33 years old, and I am married to a wonderful husband and we have a dog together (Cooper, he is a beagle mix and he’s now 7 years old). We live in New England where summer is just around the corner and I love New England summers. Being by the water, lobster rolls, ice cream, beaches, etc. are some…
  • PW: 195.8 CW: 192.0 My net calories were up this week to 1,788, so interesting to see such a big drop. It could be because of my increase in exercise as well. Tonight, I have my cooking club event. I’ve made a Mexican street corn dip, and I did a few tweaks like reduce the amount of butter or swap for low-fat where…
  • @PlaneMonkey - My husband and I use a shared Google calendar as well for appointments, and any contractors that he has contacted that need to come to the house. It’s good that he adds them so that I can plan my work from home days to be here when they need to get in to work on something. I also use it to plan our social…