justmel4now Member


  • Just had blood tests a month ago, everything was ok-no change in meds.
  • I am 49 facing menopause and have been hypothryroid for most of my childbearing years...am stable on medication-synthroid 75 mcg. I have technically 116 pounds to lose but I would be happy to lose 75-80 at this point. I have been using fitness pal and have tracked my food and exercise religiously...a couple of pounds lost…
  • Hey thanks for sharing that...I recently restarted medifast after a 30 pound loss over a year ago...unfortunately I fell off and gained back-so now I'm climbing the mountain again. On Day 4-the first week is hell, I remember now! Stick with it, had several inspiring stories within my community too, folks that hit rock…
  • I love that everyone has an opinion, but the only fact is figuring out by trial and error what works for you. So try different suggestions, but keep the constant of adequate water intake, that's a fact. :smile:
  • Forgot to mention I also just purchased weighted exercise gloves which help for arm workout while jumping. I am quite pleased but have a long way to go but know I can get there now that I have an exercise that I love!
  • I've got a cellerciser and couldn't live without it! I am a 200+ lb woman and my rebounder allows me to exercise for an hour every day without pain and the usual stiffness. The time goes by so fast as I use my ipod for music, books or netflix movies. I use the fitbit to accurately gauge how much I've burned and it…
  • I am just speaking for myself here, but Medifast was the only way I could drop pounds, don't know if it's the higher protein. lower carb or the nutitritional makeup of the food, but it works for me. Yes its expensive, thus trying a modified version of the plan and why I am asking questions of other MF users. Please don't…
  • Hi, just found your post-I recently began AGAIN medifast and am using 4 and 2, trying to keep calories around 1200 and still incorporate exercise-hows the modified version working for you now?
  • Why is there a need to say anything? If she asks for advice, that's one thing-but if she wants to have her illusions, let her. It's not a competition.