pecantan53 Member


  • Hi Guys, Happy Monday to everyone! I know I've been MIA for a minute...but I've been soooo busy this past week I barely had time to think. We had Vacation Bible School all last week and I taught the 6 & 7 year olds so you can imagine how drained I was by the time Friday rolled around. I wasn't able to get my workouts in,…
  • Happy Friday everyone! I'm stocked up, ready for the weekend. No cheating for me! :noway: I've got my eye on the prize!!! :glasses: I hope everyone has a fabulous rest of the day and a wonderful & relaxing weekend.
  • That's really awesome news! I'll be sooo glad when I meet my goal! Thanks for the motivation!
  • Hi guys....I'm Malinda and I've been using MFP & following Atkins since April (although I joined MFP in Jan). I'm 37, happily married for 12 years and I have a wonderful 2 1/2 yr old "doggie-baby" named Teddy. I reached my heaviest weight at the end of 2011 (265 lbs) and that's when I decided that I've had enough! I…