

  • Yeah I am thinking of a couple of bags of popcorn to help me.
    in week 1 Comment by tmortica February 2012
  • Take it easy - you will never be able to do healthy weight loss if you are sick! It has to be frustrating. I feel for you. Sending postitive thoughts your way.
    in week 1 Comment by tmortica February 2012
  • I am doing well for my first week. I am very concern3e for next week. I have to travel for work and it sounds like they are going to put us in a room with food all day long each day for 4 days! They have huge lunches and dinners planned for us. It also sounds like we get no down time so no time to work out or relax. Lord…
    in week 1 Comment by tmortica February 2012
  • I did the Biggest Loser for a while but it wasn't my favorite. I just bought the Zumba workout and I like that but I also took a lot of dancing when I was younger. If you aren't used to catching on quickly to routines I don't recommend it. My kids can't even begin to get it. I think it all depends on what you want. The…
  • I have three wonderful girls 8, 5, and 3. They keep me very busy - in fact so busy I don't take the time to work out anymore. I need to start taking time for myself by excersising instead of letting myself have a fast snack in the evening.
  • You don't want to lose more than 1-2 pounds a week. Otherwise what you are most likely losing is water and that isn't true weight loss. Muscle weighs more than fat so at first you may gain weight while you are turning your fat into muscle. It will balance out. Don't worry I just started this week and I have gained 2 pounds…
  • It is the fiber and it is recommended for an adult to have 35 grams a day!!! Beano when you are eating the food and gax-x - generic brand to save money - it is just simethacone - once you actually start having gas - take the gas-x sooner rather than later the longer you wait the more gas will make it's way down. I have…
  • I am 38 year old mother of three. I need to take off 15 pounds to get to where I think I should be. Back when I had a high stress job I had no problem with weight (then again my stomach was always upset and I never ate much). My picture is from when I had one of my high stress jobs. I need help getting motivated to eat…