gaelowyn_pt_duex Member


  • so many chicken ideas at and a lot of those recipes are in the database here on MFP. My favorite is pollo sabrosa.. grilled. bone in chicken thighs(trimmed of excess fat and skin) marinated overnight and grilled. awesome.. reheats well and I shred the meat and use in tacos, burritos and cold on salads.…
  • Take it one step at a time is my best advice. so, say pick "working out on schedule" as your first choice. make that your priority for two to three weeks. Don't put too much brain power on all the other stuff. Don't necessarily go crazy eating ice cream every day, but don't fret over food too much either. Then, add in…
  • I loved this. And Crazyjerseygirl.. you are right on. and its sad. because it's often those who have no choice in those decisions that suffer(unvaccinated kids). And OH NO!! there's nitrogen in the air and acetic acid in your salad!! loved it!
  • I can't speak to the protein shake post work out. I can tell you that I find a bigger breakfast really helps me out the rest of the day. High protein(an egg, and some lean ham), a little fat(extra thin sliced sharp cheddar cheese) and whole wheat carb(muffin) and some coffee keeps me super full until lunch. and the…
  • I first quit the diet sodas. Actually added in a can a day of full sugar soda and still lost weight just by quitting the fake chemicals. Then I eventually had a habit of 2-3 cans of full sugar soda a day habit. So I quit that cold turkey. Not even any while out to dinner. I used iced tea, club soda with lemon and lime…
  • My hubs got me the ninja professional blender/processor. I use it daily to make smoothies in the two "individual" cups. I've used the blender as well to make large batch smoothies. I haven't used the dough hook or "food processor" type bowl. I love how fast it blends. like 3 seconds for the indi cups. and it pulverizes the…
  • marinate. a little olive oil, balsamic vinegar(or other acid source like citrus juice), and whatever spices float your boat. garlic, ginger, soy and use sesame oil in place of olive oil and you have "asian"- add five spice powder and it's even more so. use garlic, cumin, chili powder and some cilantro and voila- mexican.…
  • Ditto all above. I also prep out my chopped lettuce/spinach/kale mix every sunday for the next week. makes it easy to reach into the big container and pull out what I need for a salad. I also make things like roasts, whole chickens(or bone in chicken parts) on the weekend and either freeze the leftovers or repurpose them…
  • You know, I think that's why I like PiYo.. after the first time doing a specific set, I had a goal of doing it better, stronger, etc the next time through, or being able to hold the pose without balance help, things like that. I found zumba class was fun- and still enjoy it, but I didn't have any goals with it besides…
  • Great question! can't wait to read some of the responses. I think I got close once.. with PiYo last summer. Had a 3 month run of working out 5-6 times a week, was happy, feeling great, losing weight.. and I THINK I might have felt something close to what you're describing. Then Back to school hit, and I had two kids…
  • sometimes it's just harder to lose while nursing. I had friends who dropped some without trying, then hit the proverbial "wall" and not much made their scale budge, until they weaned. I was lucky I think more than anything else. I know that a large chunk of my pregnancy weight was in swelling. I was swollen like a tick…
  • First, congrats on the baby! I know I didn't try to "actively" lose weight while nursing my 2 kids until at least they were 10 weeks old, minimum. I actually waited until they were probably 12 weeks old. I had a bit of a 'paranoia' regarding losing my supply. Anyways- once I actively started trying to lose weight, I was…
  • I don't see how people survive on 1200/day, especially if they are working out. Nuh uh. Of course my fat butt can eat quite a bit more than that and still lose weight for a while. I've been working with a nutritionist and they feel no one should be at just 1200/day.. unless they add back in some exercise burn off. I don't…
  • keep yourself hydrated, eating high quality foods. when nursing, it's better to have smaller portions of the full fat and "normal" options than go all out fat/sugar free. How old was baby when you first started trying? It's possible your supply is much more established now as well. like previous poster said, I wouldn't try…
  • From what i've gleaned from various discussions- it depends on how you've set your daily goals. For me- i set my daily calorie goal at what is baseline, somewhat sedentary lifestyle at a weight that is 30 lbs LESS than my current weight. So I know for sure that if all I did was wake up,shower, work, do basic house…
  • I'm not a nutritionist, so take this with a grain of salt. I would think that processed/additional "sugars"- those found in premade cakes, cookies, crackers, breads, added to soups, dressings, etc are what you want to concentrate on keeping in check. Natural sugars that are in whole fruits and some veg aren't as much of a…
  • I needed to remember my words from this past summer.. this is a moment to moment kind of thing. One "bad"(I hate that word, but can't think of a better one)meal, day, whatever can end at just 'one'; if I choose to end it there. I can 'jump back on the wagon', chart it, move on, and not let it derail me completely. This is…
  • i'm not probably going to be much help, except to say that shaking things up is always good, and don't let anyone rain on your parade. what works for one person may not work as well for another. You love to run, so do it! Run at your pace, your distance. Toss in some sprints if you want. Do weight training that you like…
  • my flex tells me how many calories I've burned each day. and it does sync to MFP- which can then increase your daily calorie allotment. For me that's not a problem, as I've set my daily calorie goal at an amount that is maintenance level for a somewhat sedentary person at a weight that is 30 lbs less than my current…
  • fit bit will track jumping. I move my arm up and down fast enough, it will count it as a step. also- even when my arm that I wear it on is pretty stationary(as when pushing a grocery cart or lawn mower) it tracks steps from vibrations or something.. it "knows"!! when I do piyo- it tracks some of the motion, but I still add…
  • also.. i like for recipes.. at least inspiration. I tend to add more of the spices/seasoning than the recipe calls for. otherwise, it has a great selection of lower cal, lower fat, some gluten free, and many "clean" recipes.
  • I do. I make big meals on weekends, and use the leftovers as a base for new recipes through the week, or freeze leftovers in individual servings for quick grab lunches. Pot roast can become stew, soup, or the beef turned into taco/burrito filling or shredded bbq. pork roast turns into quick stir fry, taco/burrito filling,…
  • I like to make big things on the weekends, then use those 'leftovers' as a base for a different recipe. I'll make a pot roast- then use the leftovers for a stew, or shred the beef for taco/burrito filling or bbq. Rotisserie chicken becomes soup, chicken salad, taco/burrito, or just to top a green salad. I'll make a big…
  • I use my phone app a lot to add recipes. I've only done one with the new system- you put one ingredient in each line. I added names (ex Hunts tomato sauce, no salt added 15 oz) and hit enter. the recipe calculator then said "does this look correct" or something like that, and at least for that recipe, it was. Otherwise, it…
  • I know I'm inaccurate, even with good diligence. One reason I set my own caloric limit and not use MFP's automated one. I set mine at what I know is already at a deficit for the day. Not crazy kind of cut, just enough. It works for me. As I get closer to actually being closer to that caloric need- I cut my baseline back…
  • baby steps. tackle only 1 or 2 different things at a time if needed. Get a pedometer/activity tracker, it's very motivating to me to see those steps add up! WHen i forget mine, it's like i'm lost. It's like "if a tree falls in the forest and no one's there to hear, does it make a sound?"... If I walked a lot without my…
  • #1. I love MFP. the phone/ipad apps rock. Bar code scanner is awesome! scan the code, POP comes all the nutrition info for the product! I use MFP in conjunction with my Fitbit. the two work together really easily. both help keep me on track. for the most part. I still have had lapses, though they have been fewer and…
  • I found the MFP phone/ipad app to be a blast. I actually LIKE counting/tracking with it. the bar code scan option totally rocks! I also love how easily it works with my Fitbit. This whole "healthy lifestyle" thing really clicked for me once I got both things working together. now i've done a 60 day Piyo group challenge and…
  • Honestly, I don't know! I bet there's some sort of calculator out there for it.. maybe try Google.. I know you can adjust your macronutrient profile on MFP if you want. that will tell you how many grams of protien, fat and carbs you've eaten daily. Maybe look over your past few weeks entries and check out the nutrition…