

  • Way to Go! I started carrying my lunch to work and I know I save a lot of money that way, but I don't ever see my savings. LOL
  • Hi Leigh. One thing you have to stop doing is beating yourself up. You have only been doing this for less than a month. This is not a diet you are going on. This is just what you said it would be, "A Lifestyle Change," which means its going to take some getting use to. Be proud of yourself for slowing down on your soda…
  • I love this round fo the challenge. I believe it may be the variety in the rotation this time. I generally drink my coffee after my workout. I have a whey protein shake with silk vanilla milk prior to my work out. I've recently gotten into running using the C25K program. I wish I could find someone to do it with me. I'm…
  • Congratulations. I just started the C25K program. I can't wait until I can celebrate this awesome NSV. WOOHOO! You go Girl!