

  • Circling around to make sure I include accurate and fair information about the Plexus bans I linked to in my last post. I've done some additional homework, because - quite frankly - I was shocked to learn about these countries banning the product and didn't know much about it. On that note, the Government of Hong Kong…
  • I tried Plexus (Slim/Accelerator) for six weeks starting last November and GAINED 10 lbs, so I stopped. When I called to cancel my automatic order, I requested my 60 day refund and was DENIED. I let it go, muddled through the rest of December, and started 2014 with the same old resolution of weight loss. My weight did not…
  • I tried Plexus (Slim/Accelerator) for six weeks starting last November and GAINED 10 lbs, so I stopped. When I called to cancel my automatic order, I requested my 60 day refund and was DENIED. They said it hadn't been 60 days, so I was no longer entitled to a refund since I was stopping the program 2 "prematurely".…