
  • Hi, There is no way I have attempted to mislead and am not looking to pick any arguments, I responded to this post from a breastfeeding perspective... as the post above, I also have breast fed exclusively, although for 6 children not 3 and for 12 years in total...and I have been also a breastfeeding counsellor... it looks…
  • Hello, you really should be upping your calorie intake, whether you are training for a marathon or not! Breastfeeding burns, so please alter your targets/goals to INCREASE don't count it as a method of burning, or you will be ill and your baby undernourished! Minimum of an extra 500 a day, with breastfeeding mother's…
  • Hello, yes from the UK and I practically live off pancakes...but homemade and they are actually nicer than bought. In fact today I had one with shredded chicken, chopped spinach, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and a little pesto and it was gorgeous! I use Dove Farm flour and goat's milk and an egg...self-raising if I want them…
  • Are you gluten intolerant? I used to do that, in fact I have always had 2 sets of clothes, 1 a size bigger for period time I was so bloated. Since I stopped eating gluten (lots of other symptoms too, but won't go into those) it doesn't happen and I wear the same size clothes all month! :smile:
  • Yes would say he needs to eat more calories as a 6ft 4" male! 2,500/3,000 is the minimum for an average lifestyle. My eldest son is 20 and an athlete, he has to consume 5/6,000 calories a day when training season starts. (He's 5ft 11 and weighs 13 stone!) Your husband will need more than he is eating especially if he is…
  • Hi if you check the label they usually say if contain gluten. I just buy supermarket own brands.