bettejeanb Member


  • There is not a lot of interaction on this site. Even when I try to reach out to people they don't respond.
  • Sounds good. I might try it!!!
  • Wt loss is a strange thing. You cannot calculate exactly what you eat minus exercise. First of all, you are probably active in your daily activities more some days which contributes . Be patient and persistent. One day seems like you exercise so hard and nothing comes off. But keep it up. It will show up on the scale…
  • Hi. Not much activity or response on this website. The app for tracking diet and exercise is great though. Don't you think so?
  • so sorry to hear of your problems. I would try I don't know if they can help your specific issues but they do support members and just to have a support group may help you at this time. this is a great group of people and they have an 18 week challenge where you Answer questions to try to not only help…
  • so sorry to hear of your problems. I would try I don't know if they can help your specific issues but they do support members and just to have a support group may help you at this time. this is a great group of people and they have an 18 week challenge where you Answer questions to try to not only help…
  • then try
  • Bill Phillips is also on website check it out. it's worth the trip!!!Here you will learn how to lose weight but also the reasons that are keeping you from accomplishing this goal. Lots of support and you will make friends who will support you on your journey. I think the support is the best part of the…
  • are you in the website. with the 18 week challenge?
  • jumping rope is great. Keep it up and you will build up tolerance. Don't overdo though. One time when I decided to get back into jumping rope I jumped a very long time. Well, I was going out to dinner that night and I could hardly walk. The muscles in my legs were so tight. So keep jumping but build your time up. I have…
  • Because the weight does not always melt away immediately. Sometimes you have to keep up the diet and exercise for a while, I don't know how long it will take for you but eventually you will see results. If you really want to lose weight and get at the underlying reasons why you eat the way you do, check out…
  • tracking your food is great. But if you keep doing things that bring your calories too high and exercise not enough you will become frustrated. Try They have the best non judgemental support system I have ever seen. They work with the entire person not just the food aspect of weight. Let's face it there…
  • Actyually you need to choose healthy alternatives for your food choices. Going under your calorie limit will probably leave you feeling hungry and craving. You won't last long this way on your diet. If you want great support try They are very supportive and deal with the underlying problems of weight. I…
  • i'm new. would like to meet someone from Middlebury ct but doesn't seem to any locals around.