

  • March 1 Miles Today - 2.98 Miles Total - 2.98 Miles to Go - 87.02 I made a special effort to take long routes around the building to get water and go on lunch breaks and surprisingly logged in 0.9 miles when I remembered to turn on the pedometer on my phone. The rest was on the treadmill.
  • I'm in. This gives me something to work towards!
  • I'm approaching my weight loss from a few different angles. 1. Health. My blood pressure is high naturally and being obese doesn't help it any. I take 3 different medications and it costs too dang on much. That money could be spent on something more fun. 2. Vanity. I want to look great in form fitting clothes, loose…
  • Thanks for the website. I had been using aerobic dancing for the Zumba and it doesn't come close. I was burning many more calories than I thought.
    in zumba Comment by anidan78 February 2012
  • The Zumba game comes with a belt that you put the controller in. No other equipment is needed.
    in Zumba Comment by anidan78 February 2012