

  • I have lost 24 lbs and I eat my exercise calories. Your given 1200 calories a day before exercise. If you don't eat the extra calories and you burn 300 doing exercise you are only giving your body 900 calories of energy. It's not the healthy way to go. You will lose wait faster but you will be hungry.
  • When I started out I was fustrated also, but after I think two weeks the weigth started to come off an stay off. I try and not weigh my self every day because that can be discouraging only weigh yourself once a week. I have lost 20 lbs since the middle of July. It is slow but it is coming off. I walk on a treadmil for 45…
  • Eggs in moderation are good for you. I eat them this way which is low in calories but you have to like tomatoes. Chop up your hard boiled eggs. Then add to them a chopped up tomato, juice and all. The juice from the tomato is what holds the eggs together. Then season to taste with what ever you like. Hope this helps.
  • I agree. I have been keeping myself to 1200 calories a day eating what I want and healthy. I don't deny myself anything. I love carbs and if I didn't eat them I would grave them even more. I exercise 45 min, 5 days a week, on my treadmil and have lost 14lbs so far. It is about the calories but exercise matters also.
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