Futuramist Member


  • welcome! i can be a bad night eater too. last night, after my elliptical workout, i chose the wrong path and ate a LOT of crackers. that's why i joined today haha.
    in Newby Comment by Futuramist January 2012
  • hello kaz! welcome and congratulations on your weight loss journey. at the peak of my weight, i was 225 (at 5'1") and managed to lose and keep off 50 lbs. you're absolutely right about weight loss making a new person out of yourself. i hope to lose more weight so that i can even cross my legs a little more comfortably…
  • hello and welcome! thanks for the tips. i'm new too and i think i need to drink more water and keep track of what i eat on this site. cheers!
    in Hello Comment by Futuramist January 2012