Yes, you can make yourself like any food. Pick a food you don't like and force yourself to eat it - then wait a week and do it again. Gradually you will stop hating it and eventually you will like it. I was able to get over all of my aversions to food this way. Sometimes it takes awhile but it always works.
I have a bag of black coffee candies in my desk for this purpose. They're less than 20 calories each and one really helps cut the cravings because the flavor is so intense. I get them at the Asian grocery store for something like $2 and the bag lasts me for months.
No, I think you'd be hard pressed to eat too much. Women of child-bearing age need at least 25 grams a day.
I look at sodium. If I go way over on that I know I was bad everywhere else.
I work second shift. I wake up and immediately work out, shower and then eat either an egg or peanut butter sandwich right before I go to work. I eat 2 servings of fruit, 2 servings of vegetables and 4 oz. of cottage cheese or yogurt over a few hours in the middle of my shift, go for a long walk on my dinner break, then…
Yes! I did the same thing today to a coworker who's always mean to me. We're strong and awesome and we're not going to let those losers drag us down!
Whole wheat pasta is better if you pad it out with vegetables. The weird texture isn't as noticeable. It's also better hot than cold so if I'm making a pasta salad I go with the 51 percent whole wheat instead of 100 percent. I agree that quinoa pasta is awesome. Have you noticed that it seems to soak up liquid in a sauce…
You sound exactly like me. I can stick to any video workout as long as it's 20 minutes long. Anything longer, no matter how much I like it, ends up gathering dust. Then I go outside and you can't drag me back in.
I know this is bad, but a few weeks after I started eating more I got really panicky because my jeans were suddenly too small. I kept telling myself it was only water weight but I couldn't convince myself. I finally took a day and loaded up on over-the-counter diuretics to test a theory. By the end of the night, I was back…
Eating more works. There are rules to follow but it works. I hope you try it out because I can guarantee you will feel better, have more energy and stick with your healthy eating habits for the rest of your life. Eating the calories your body requires to function may seem like a no-brainer, but a lifetime of being told the…
I think they would work fine. Just cut them up small before adding them because they tend to tangle up into a ball in dishes like that. They come packed in water so they should have no problem retaining their texture in broth. The store by my house has two different kinds labeled as shirataki and yam. The shirataki have to…
Are you eating 1600 calories total or netting 1600 calories?
The calorie deficit would make your body burn calorie-consuming muscle tissue and store fat for an emergency. The goal is to eat enough calories to feed your muscles and metabolism.
Don't to it yourself. I did it once and it hurt WAY more than it should have and bled like nobody's business. I'm usually pretty tough but it made me cry. The dermatologist will do it for you for the cost of the copay and it will not be near as traumatic.
Does he do it to other people or just you? If he spreads the "love" around I'd report him to management. They won't want him around scaring away the paying customers. They could give him a warning and he wouldn't know who made the complaint. He sounds like some kind of perv trolling for gym ladies. If he just does it to…
Yay! Good for you for being brave enough to eat more! I am doing this too. I haven't lost any weight but I feel awesome and I'm down from a size 10 to a size 8 just one month after increasing my caloric intake by 500 calories a day. Now I couldn't care less how much I weigh, as long as I'm happy with the way my body looks…
The two recipes I make that meet my meal calorie requirements but are low in carbs are turkey/black bean chili and lentil/cauliflower curry. The fiber from the beans and lentils in those two dishes end up giving me around 20 net carbs per 400-calorie serving. I think the cauliflower makes a good substitute for rice because…
I used to have those deep, painful zits all the time until I finally started this regimen that works for me. I only wash my face with a gentle cleanser at night if I wear makeup that day, warm water only if I don't wear makeup. I go without makeup about half the time because it aggravates my skin and when I do wear it I…
I'm on a shrimp kick right now. I got some on sale at the store recently and now I can't stop. I've been defrosting 12 (3 ounces) at a time in cold water and tossing them with about a tablespoon of sweet chili sauce. There are 18 grams of protein in 3-ounce serving. Made that way it has just over 200 mg of sodium but for…
Yes, some BC pills just don't work for some people and can make you feel very sick (Yaz, in my case was a nightmare). I've lost and gained weight both on and off BC and have never seen a difference either way other than a little water weight in the first few weeks after switching. That seems like a lot of cardio for maybe…
Yes! This is exactly it. Before I felt like it was some kind of speed test to lose the weight. I actually caught myself thinking of foods as evil flash cards but with calorie totals instead of math problems. Now I kind of feel like I'm doing the same thing, except in reverse because I need those calories!
If you're like me and keep losing and gaining the same ten pounds year after year you might want to check out this group that's really helping me stick with it: I'm never hungry, never feel deprived, I have loads of energy and my clothes are fitting much…
This is why I love workout videos. They don't charge by the hour and they don't give a flip about my feelings. :)
For breakfast sometimes I'll have an egg taco - one or two fried eggs, one slice of cheese and a spoonful of salsa in a Mama Lupe low carb tortilla. It has 9 carbs total.
It could be your age. Mine get worse the older I get and my transparent skin is hereditary. If you can easily see the blue veins in your arms, wrist, chest, feet, etc, that might be your problem, too. With this kind of skin I find the loose mineral-based makeup does a better job of covering the circles than liquid…
I'm right there with you and wearing my fat pants today, again. Before I started eating more I didn't have sodium on my logging list. After getting all bloated I went back and looked at my sodium intake before and after upping my calories and found that with the extra eating I was getting something like 1500 extra…
Thank you!
I found out a coworker was making fun of me behind my back for working out on my dinner break and I didn't punch him in the nose. And then I was nice to him.
I'm no expert, but what you're talking about sounds more to me like anxiety than depression. I have anxiety, but it isn't a problem for me every day so my doctor prescribes medication I take only when I'm having a hard time, which isn't very often for me anymore. In my opinion, it's better than being on antidepressants,…
1.5 C. cooked quinoa 1 big head of fresh broccoli - chopped and steamed 1 can chickpeas - drained and rinsed 4 oz. feta cheese crumbles 2 T. olive oil 2 tsp. dijon mustard 2 T. lemon juice 1 tsp. tarragon 2 cloves garlic - pressed or chopped tiny Mix together and refrigerate overnight. Serve cold. Tasty.