Myself4good Member


  • I've struggled for years with a mystery autoimmune disease myself-painful joints in hands and feet, chronic rash, low back pain, and sacroiliac pain. I was just recently diagnosed with seronegative inflammatory arthritis. I find that cutting out gluten and sugar helps me tremendously. Your friend may want to think about an…
  • Hello and sorry to hear you suffer from this disease! I have had bad endo for years myself and I know how hard it can be. Everyone's journey and pain level with this disease is different. Some have a ton of endo and little pain and others have a few lesions and horrific pain. A lot of it has to do with where the endo is…
  • I find that eating a half a cup of low-fat Greek yogurt, a half a teaspoon of honey, and an 1/8 a cup of walnuts does the trick for me. I save a couple hundred calories for the evening, and it really helps. Also, I've noticed if I don't keep my meals and/or snacks balanced with fats, carbs, and protein I ALWAYS get that…
  • Hello, all. Stage 4 endo here with adenomyosis and PCOS. It is REALLY tough with fatigue and pain staying motivated! I'm starting over on my weight-loss journey and hoping this time it will stick. I have posted in the past with information regarding the endo diet. It does help a ton. I've recently been reading up on the…
  • Hello to all fellow endo suffers! I have stage 4 endo, PCOS, and suspected adenomyosis diagnosed via lap. The main thing that has helped me the most is staying away from gluten,dairy, red meat, and processed sugar as much as possible. Carolyn Levett's books have a lot of good info regarding the Endo Diet. She explains why…