

  • Never- White foods, candy, anything with "sugar" including corn syrup usually- eggs, chicken breast, pork tenderloin, bags and bags of frozen mixed veggies always- freezer full of sugar free popcicles (when you get the "munchies" they are a lifesaver" in a pinch- i keep several cans of campbells chunky soups in my desk for…
  • i have basically the same thing 2 hard boiled eggs, on a 100 cal thomas multi grain english muffin with cream cheese. and i have metamucil orange with 2 cups of water...comes in under 400 calories and keeps me full utnil lunch, when i have a baked chicken breast with steamed carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. Dinner is…
  • wow! 11 pages and counting, people really do love talking about their favorite subjects (including me) THEMSELVES! :) 1.) i'm left handed and left footed yet have diabetes related blindness in my left eye, OH the irony! 2.) it took me 13 years to get my bachelors degree...i took a 7 year break in the middle of going to…
  • love is the uncontrollable absence of reason, you do so in spite of knowing better :-)
  • 5'8"|Start W 285|CW 277|GW 185 even at 185...according to the BMI scale, i'd still be "overweight" see you all when i get there....
  • weight loss is a fairly simple, straight forward, linear equation. Calories in Vs. Calories out. i had the hardest time wrapping my head around it, until about a year ago i started a food journal and realize just how many calories i was consuming. A better understanding of that and where your calories come from helped me…
  • I've been type 1 since i was 12 and have been on the needle ever since. I've been using this website to help monitor what i'm doing nutritionally and how my work outs are progressing. In the last week, i've had to cut back on my insulin intake from 3 shots a day to 1 in the morning with a metFormin supplement. I would say…