NeysaV Member


  • Thanks for sharing my blog, Tex! Anya: I don't even have access to them half the time! Foodworks does have a trial you can download, but it's only active for 14 days. You may possibly be able to find a full version (or product key to upgrade the trial version) using certain sneaky methods that we probably shouldn't…
  • Don't feel bad about taking time off if you're sick. a lot of people will tell you to "Sweat it out", but it can really do more harm than good. I learnt the hard way, when my cold developed into pneumonia because I wouldn't stop going to the gym, which then meant I couldn't even get out of bed! Just take it easy, drink…
  • I initially thought (and wrote in the homework) that the meal plan was going to be my biggest challenge. I was sort of right, because it killed me over the first week until I took a good hard look at it, and decided it just wasn't for me. Since ditching the plan, I've gone back to eating my normal, relatively healthy,…
  • So many cool people! Looking forward to talking to you all as we go! I'm Neysa, and I've just (as in yesterday!) started fresh meat with Geelong Roller Derby League in Victoria, Australia. Glad I'm not the only Aussie here! *waves* I learnt to skate when I was a kid, and spent most of my school breaks on skates at my dad's…