Make sure you are consuming enough calories to compensate for the workouts, too low and you will retain fat for energy. Also, work on customizing your meal plan to a 50/30/20 to start and readjust when necessary. Carbs/proteins/fats, you should be eating a lean protein, starchy carb and not starchy carb at every meal.…
body weight squats will build the muscle in the glutes, hamstrings and quads. You will not lose fat, but you will build underneath. If anyone things that doing bodyweight squats won't build those muscles, they have not done enough squats or done any of Shaun T's workouts.
you will need to set your mind to it, because honestly a weekend of drinking will ruin your entire weeks work everytime. Yes you might gain weight when doing a new program, but if you are not being strict with your diet that will be the most obvious reason you would gain the weight. Try limiting your alcohol intake for 2…
I use the Beachbody Shakeology because I truly feel you get what you pay for, this shake is not only a protein drink but it also has your daily intake of necessary vitamins and nutrients with added pre and probiotics for aiding in digesting, it is made with no artificial sweetners or flavors. There are many shakes options…
I was really good through Thanksgiving and first 2 weeks of December, the last 2 weeks got a hold of me. Like you I continued with my exercise but eating was BAD....but I am back on track, logging food and started Shakeology to replace breakfast!