

  • cups are an american measurement, have a quick look on google, i'm sure there will be a conversion table somewhere.
  • i also have 27lb to lose, so we're in the same boat, just starting, so no idea if i've lost this week, i'll find out at the weekend, as i'll do a weigh, on sunday or monday, as i last weighed on sunday just gone. we can do this! there are people on here with 100's of lb to lose and those that have lost it, so 27lb is…
  • I'll "pre-log" food, as i'm making it, so i know i'm not going over my calories, and i'm not really exercising at the moment, as i haven't gotten the money together to pay for the Gym, but i do walk 30 mins 4 times a week or more depending on if i'm going to town or not. but i'll log what i've walked just as i finish. and…
  • i think slimming world still promotes the binging culture, as you've used that word yourself, as a culture we've taught ourselves to eat far larger portion sizes than we need. I think something which helped me, is to embrace the feeling of hunger, it's a natural thing and it doesn't hurt, I've just eaten my lunch and still…
  • hi minx, this is my 2nd day too. I didn't do so well yesterday as i went to my mom's and had one of the left over rocky road cup cakes that she made for my stepdad's birthday, if i hadn't have had that, i'd have been under target, but never mind, i'm doing really well today. how much weight are you looking to lose? good…