

  • I'd like to call it a routine, but i'm not quite there just yet. :wink: Basically, last Wednesday, I just got a bit bored with jogging so I decided to try out some strength moves to see if I was even capable of it. (I have some disk injuries in my spine) I ended up doing 2 sets of 15 bicep curls and the same with triceps.…
  • I am not measuring currently. I thought about doing this as well as taking pictures for comparison. I mainly thought about starting the measuring because how my clothes fit. I have a pair of jean/spandex pants that, when washed, shrink some and when i put them on they are a bit of a struggle and as the day goes on the…
  • Thank you for all your responses! :smile: I appreciate the help. I suppose it doesn't help that I put so much emphasis on that darn scale and weigh so much more than I should. Possibly this is more of a mental change than a physical change that I need to make. Learning just as you all said, that my weight will fluctuate…