

  • I used to binge eat constantly due to depression more than stress (multiple miscarriages, death of a newborn, failed weight-loss, etc.). My top weight was over 320 lbs (stopped weighing myself at that point). I tried walking and such but that didn't really help. I'd still binge about midnight or so. I finally took up some…
  • SW: 251 (01/29/12) CW: 241 GW: 220 (for month of Feb., I know that's a bit dramatic, but my doc put me back on Metformin for PCOS which makes me drop weight like it's nothing) Current measurements- Bust: 44 Waist: 48 Hips: 47 The only exercise I really get in is 30 minutes of yoga or pilates 4-5 days/week. I like it cause…
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