

  • I have years ago. It worked but you really don't learn how to cook/prepare meals etc. All diets work but it is a life style change that will make it stick.
  • Welcome. I just love it. I haven't lost that much yet, but now I know what I have to change. If you need a friend, you can be mine and we can do this together. I have a lot to loose also. Good luck. I actually like this better than Weight Watchers.:smile:
    in Hello! Comment by QueenHelga March 2012
  • Start your diet first, then in a few weeks add the exercise in.
  • I just started thisprogram myself and think that it is great. As you know Weight Watchers teaches you that tracking every bite is key. I found this program with the listing of food to be the easiest way to track. It makes you think about what you are eating. Remember your ABC's. All Bites Count. Take it one day at a time.…