

  • I hate it too! Hurts my knees and it's just...well...boring. Especially running on a treadmill. I'd much rather be on an eliptical.
  • I really do need to look into one of those! I have a good friend who lost a ton of weight simply by weighting/portioning her food out with one of those.
  • This is also a HUGE issue for me. Food = fun has been my life for awhile. I'm a very social eater and I tend to eat a lot when I'm out and about with others. A big priority for me right now it resisting the temptation to eat junk food at work/home when I'm bored and eating large portions at meals. I'm also looking for fun…
  • Thanks for responding! My biggest thing with all this (and life in general) is that there just seems to be soooo many options/opinions to sift through. How did you find the methods that worked best for you guys? Right now, I'm trying to consistently log my calories to even get an idea of how much I'm consuming and I'm also…
  • I'm 5'2" and my short term goal is to be at 145 (I'm 160 now), long term goal is to be between 120-130 which is where I was when I got married 4 years ago.
  • Hey everyone! I'm Gena from Ohio. I really just started getting into knitting/crocheting AND working out :) I've been struggling with my weight for a couple of years and I'm really trying to get back on the bandwagon. I've also been wanting to try something new, so a few girlfriends have been teaching me to knit and…