SkinnyJeans31 Member


  • Well the good thing is that when you hit the rock bottom there is nowhere to go but up. You can do it! i am 70 lbs down from my heaviest 3 years ago, just had a baby and actually lost weight, now going to try and maintain it or lose some more. So i am with you for sure.
  • OMG I do it all the time. Not every day, but sometimes I just feel like eating junk the whole i do that and then get back on track of healthy food. Nothing wrong with that. I used to do weighwatchers and hated when people gave me looks when i walked into the weekly meeting with a cup of iced latte from Starbucks.…
  • I think i was getting enough support, but too expensive. I lost some weight, but had to exercise like crazy too. Just eating the amount of points they assigned to me didnt do anything to my weightloss.