LKG31 Member


  • A co-worker of mine said to me "You're like shrinking". I haven't measured or weighed for 2 1/2 weeks (I was becoming obsessed with the scale and now I just want to listen to how my body looks and feels to me!!!) It was a HUGE confidence boost and a motivator hearing that this morning!
  • I'm here! Today was day 6 level 2. I have ran 2 5K races the past 3 weeks so I am behind due to race days and training. The planks in level 2 are intense but my body is feelingb good!
  • Amazing transformation!!! You look fabulous.
  • I always make a low-calorie chicken salad with it!! Mayo with olive oil Celery onion seasoning anything else you want!
  • Amazing post!!! You saw my status, so I definitely needed this today!!! :happy:
  • I feel the same way girl!!! But I just keep telling myself the scale and weight are just a number though. Did you take your measurements at the beginning?? I think that is a real determination especially since we are obviously gaining some muscle and strength. I can do WAY more today than I could day 1 level 1 and to me,…
  • Awesome job!!! Getting back out there and running in a race is an amazing feeling!!!
  • I am was the same way with the nicer weather, and I was out of town over the weekend. I am doing Level 2 Day 1 today!
  • I too have suffered from bulimia in the past. I went 8+ years with binging and purging, mainly because even though I was 120lbs, I didn't see myself as that. My weight never fluctuated until about 5 years ago when it slowly crept up and the binging increased. After going through treatment and recovering, my metabolism and…
  • I felt the same way when I figured mine out!!! I am supposed to be at 2026 based on mine, but I set my MFP calories at 1900. This is my first full week of doing it this way. My first 3 weeks on here I was set at 1200 and not always eating exercise calories back and only lost 2 lbs!! The more I read about EMTWL, the more it…
    in TDEE Comment by LKG31 October 2012
  • All feel free to add me! Just joined this group Friday and am learning the ropes of EMTWL. Would love extra friends and support!!
  • SW: 187 GW: 175 weigh ins: 10/10: 187 10/17: 187 10/24: 10/31: 11/7: 11/14: 11/21: A little frustrated I haven't seen the scale budge. I did take 3 days off in a row though because I ran in a 5K Sunday, so obviously didn't do that day, and I rested Sat. and Mon. And I went to Monday night football game no at Soldier Field…
  • The same thing happened to me over the summer. I love dresses, but they can be deceiving! I went to my jeans on when the weather turned cold and the ones from last winter (which I already hated the size of) were way to snug. I knew I had to do something about it! I've been on MFP for a few weeks now and have been feeling…
  • I start Level 2 on Thursday. I took Sat and Sun off this weekend because I had a 5K yesterday so I'm a little behind!! I'm definitely nervous for level 2 though!!!
  • I ran my first 5K last November and have since done another, plus an 8K back in March. The races are so fun!! I'm not super fast, I run about 11:30min/mile, but I enjoy them! I have another one on Nov. 4th as well. I'm hoping that the cardio pieces in the shred are helping with my endurance. Good luck to you, too!
    in Day 8! Comment by LKG31 October 2012
  • Today is day 7 for me, so I'm right behind you!!! I'm running a 5K on Sunday, so I am taking tomorrow and Sunday off, but will pick back up day 8 on Monday!! Happy Friday!
    in Day 8! Comment by LKG31 October 2012
  • Today is Day 6 for me. I started the 30DS on Friday and am taking 1 rest day. I haven't lost any lbs either, but have lost an inch in my waist. I haven't measured everything else though. I wanted to wait until the end of level 1, but I felt my pants were looser so I had to measure :) Don't get discouraged by the scale!!!!…
  • I just came upon this group and decided to join! Today is day 6 of 30DS level 1 for me... my first time doing the workouts. It definitely has gotten easier over this short period of time! Day 1 and 2 were killer!! I would love other friends and people to keep me motivated and encourage each other to get to day 30! Feel…
    in Day 6! Comment by LKG31 October 2012
  • Last night I completed day 5, level 1. I woke up this morning not really sore at all so that's a bonus!! It definitely has gotten easier since day 1. I am not weighing myself or measuring myself until the end of each level so not sure about any losses but I feel great! I am taking Sundays off and doing the shred…
  • Count me in!! I have a goal of more than 10, but this is a great start! My mom still sends out family pic for Xmas cards that we take on Thanksgiving, so that's my motivation!! Feel free to add me!
  • I have a 25oz. Camelback bottle I refill about 5x a day. It's at my desk and doesn't leave my side at night!
  • Day 3, level 1 for me tomorrow! Everyone feel free to add, I would love to hear and see all the end results! And we all need encouragement along the way :)
  • I'm on level 1, day 2... my legs are definitely burning!!! I can't wait to continue on with it and see results!! Good luck everyone!! Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • I just got this DVD and I am SUPER excited to start it and begin my MFP journey. Besides the weights (I was told 3 or 5lbs), and I have a yoga mat, do I need any other "equipment" to complete the workouts??
  • I dip peppers, cucumbers, carrots, etc. in hummus. It's only 50cal for 2TBSP (Athenos, most flavors) and it definitely spices up the raw veggies! I also stir-fry veggies in olive oil and seasonings the night before and bring them to work to heat up.
  • I'm right there with you, love my wine!!! I try to leave a little room for a glass, or run extra hard that day so I can enjoy :)
  • I usually pack my lunch and have dinner planned before I leave for work, so I will log all of it in the morning just so I know where I am at calorie, protein, carb, etc. wise for the day. This helps me determine what I may/may not have for a snack. It also helps me stick to the plan too, not deterring from the good stuff I…
  • I usually don't leave enough time in the morning to "make" a good breakfast so here is my quick and easy recipe! (if you like eggs) Use a muffin pan, lightly coat it with cooking spray (I use 100% olive oil spray) Mix egg and/or egg whites (I usually use 2 eggs and 3 egg whites) as you would for scrambled eggs. Pour…