tonydepalma Member


  • Low calorie edits you are always hungry. high fat you never are and burn ketones not glucose. Obesity is caused by insulin resistance. Google Gary Taubes
  • Calories are bogus science energy in energy out is foolish. Petter Attia endurance Athlete swam 6-7 miles a day. Ran and bicycled too. 40 pounds over weight discovered ketosis.
  • Go on a fat fast it breaks stalls big time. obesity is only cured by Ketogentic edit for most. Carbs are the enemy moderate protein and high fat work. I exercise because it makes me fell better but it's not really needed.
  • Bray is an angry Liberal. Taubes is a realist. True not a doctor but most doctors know little about nutrition period. Eades rebutted the whole thing and Eades is another Atkins a realist Doctor. These guys just won't admit it is true. look at the studies from 30's and 40's before the war when it was dropped. Carbs and…
  • Calories in Calories out lead us to massive Obesity. Google Gary Taubes his research on this is flawless and irrefutable
  • Thats good your body is producing plenty of insulin but obesity is about the hormone insulin not calories. Have you listen to Taubes? I assume not and perhaps you have no need too. But his evidence is irrefutable
  • Thanks a lot I read them and Bray is a nutcase. Dr. Eades wrote a response too and refutes Brays junk science. its like believing in climate change just isn't true. I wonder who funds Bray. usually people hang on to beliefs like his because of some form of government funding. I may be completely off but I'm curious.
  • Rocket fuel thats a myth too Taubes cites marathon runners who now refute it as weight gain came for them in later years.
  • It has to do with a low fat high sugar diet in 1960 it was 1 in 8. "Dietary fat does not cause fat" DR. Barry Sears
  • They will kill me obviously you do not have a high insulin resistance and are doing well. Some of us just can't eat them they are poison. Our nation is addicted to sugar one in three are obese.
  • I only use it to track food make sure getting plenty of fat. its ideas of 50% carbs would kill a person. Ridiculous. Research proves calories in calories out is failing obesity in 1960 was 1 in 8 today 1 in 3! How are those food groups the McGovern committee instituted working? They don't is the simple answer. Taubes…
  • Calories in Calories out is a total myth. Exercise burring calories or helping to lose weight also it. Google Gary Taubes he's studied our obesity epidemic he thinks the energy in energy out is laughable. it's about insulin period. Low fat diets made us a fatso nation.Watch this guys lectures he's dead on. If I eat carbs I…
  • Calorie counting is foolish its not calories google Gary Taubes go to you tube watch him speak! He researched obesity and low fat has made us a nation of Fatties its about insulin period.
  • I only weigh every 2-3 weeks being obsessed with it you will eat again just my thought:smile: :happy:
  • My Fitness Pal App is crazy if I ate 50% carbs I'd blow up and die. it's all about insulin. Google Gary Taubes. I only use APP to track progress but calories in calories out is a myth. So is exercise helps you lose weight it does not. I do it because I wanna be healthy but its what we eat. Taubes destroys this theory.