I did Insanity and ran as training for a Spartan race. I kept to the Insanity training schedule and did 2 short runs during the week with a longer run on the weekend. Make sure you do some hill work on some of those short runs too. Have fun with the Tough Mudder!
Good work! I know it was hard, but you toughed it out!
Rock star awesome! You give me hope. I'm signed up for my first half in November.
Thank you! Finally felt up to a real run last night...for about 10 minutes. Lol Tomorrow is running group and I'm feeling strong again. Only thing left are scrapes and bruises. :-)
That is an amazing time! Be proud!
Another vote for Moving Comfort. Keeps the girls supported and comfy.
That. Is. Freaking. Awesome. All weepy now...
You're looking amazing! Be proud!
Well done! And good luck on your continuing journey! Did I spy a Skillet tshirt in those pics? ;-)
I just started yesterday! Hoping to boost my fitness even in preparation for a Spartan race in June. Add me, push me, I can take it!
Awesome results! Congrats!
You totally have this! I started at about the same place. Make sure you have good shoes. If you haven't already, go to a local running store where they can observe your gait, check your feet and get you well fitted. There are no judgements there, so don't worry. I also use the Jeff Galloway method with run/walk intervals.…
Most of my runs are 12 minute miles! For a race, I average 10 minute miles and I am good & wiped out once they're over. You're doing great. I always try to only compete with myself and not compare myself to others.
Hmmm, I do both, so I'm curious to see some replies. My weightlifting isn't explosive though. I lift heavy and slow.
That's wonderful! Keep up the fabulous progress. :-)
Congratulations, that's wonderful!
Just chiming in to say great step putting yourself out there! I've got you added. :-)
It's not traditional, but I tried something I found on Pinterest: mix chopped rotisserie chicken with avocado, cilantro and lime juice. Love it! And you can play with it by adding peppers, tomatoes, spices, etc.
Awesome! So inspiring. I hope I can one day soon work up to a half marathon. And you really rocked it too!
42 here and finally feel like I'm coming into my own! I can run a few miles more than I could at 20 or 30 too. ;-) Add me if you can stand hanging with another forty-something, lol.