LoraF83 Member


  • I can't give you the advice on what shoes are best. The shoes that work for me probably aren't the shoes that will work for you. The best way to find out is to get fitted at a running specialty store.
  • I'm going to disagree with you there. Bad form can perpetuate the problem. A friend of mine is an experienced runner. She is completely acclimated to running. And yet she got shin splints while training for a half (her 5th, I think?). The cause was bad form - due to undiagnosed scoliosis, which is a whole other issue, but…
  • Sounds like shin splints to me. I have a few suggestions: 1. Take a break from running/walking and let them heal 2. Apply ice for 20 minutes several times a day to reduce inflammation 3. Check out goodformrunning.com for suggestions on how to improve your form (this is one of the main causes for shin splints) 4. When you…
  • ^This. If otc fat burners worked, why would anyone have a weight issue?
  • Can you open up your diary?
  • Lucky Charms Why isn't cereal good for weight loss?
  • Don't buy one of these? There are plenty of other activity tracker options that don't require you to wear it on your wrist. I have a fitbit one and I wear it clipped somewhere inconspicuous. It's not a big deal.
  • Sounds to me like you need to be a little more prepared so you have supplies on hand for when your blood sugar drops. And I would ask your doctor for a referral to a nutritionist or dietician who can help you learn about how to eat for your medical needs. Most of the time, I would say that everyone should eat the way they…
  • While midwives are well-trained in the area of childbirth, I would ask your doctor about the exercise while pregnant.
  • Buy a small cooler and some ice packs. Pack anything you're interested in eating - sandwiches, leftover pizza, pasta salad with chicken, string cheese, fruit and veggies, etc.
  • Use 2% milk instead of skim. 2 slices of bread at lunch. Maybe some cheese too. Snack on a protein shake, string cheese, or some nuts. Eat beef instead of turkey. Have some ice cream or pizza now and then.
  • You're excercising 4 to 5 days a week and working on your feet all day and you're only eating 800-900 calories per day? No, your plan is not good. You need to eat more. Eat your daily calorie goal and at least half of your exercise calories. You're not going to achieve long term success by starving yourself.
  • This. Clean eating is not necessary for weight loss. It's also an idea that is subject to personal opinion and definition - there is no "right" or defined way to eat clean. So, do what works for you. Keep a moderate calorie deficit, enjoy as many whole foods as you can (veggies, fruit, lean protein, whole grains, etc) and…
  • Diet soda doesn't prevent weight loss. Excess calories prevents weight loss. As far as replacement drinks go, I would suggest maybe trying flavored water or tea? And give water another chance - it may take some time to get used to. As far as at-home workouts go, check out "You Are Your Own Gym" or "Convict Conditioning".…
  • Why the deadline? Why not just set a goal of losing the weight in order to improve your life and then achieving it....without the stress of a looming cut off date?
  • That's not your job. If you want to go run, go run. You don't need her to hold your hand and she can run if she wants....or not if she doesn't want to. Having a friend to workout with is great, but you can't let your entire routine be tied up in another person.
  • I don't eat clean, because it's a lot of effort that doesn't affect weight loss. That said, you can save money by doing everything yourself. Set aside a day to prep food for the week. You can cook up a bunch of chicken and veggies and rice and whatever and portion it out for meals. Shop for bags of rice and beans, buy…
  • You can spend more time wallowing in it and not making any progress and continuing to be miserable. Or you can do something about it. But you're the only one who can change it. YOU make the choice to be miserable about this issue every day. Only you.
  • Eat a high-protein lunch. Drink coffee. Go for a walk. Any of those things may help you get reenergized for the afternoon.
    in Lupita R Comment by LoraF83 October 2014
  • Whatever appeals to you, honestly. Do things that you enjoy and find fun. Zumba, weight lifting, wii sports, dance lessons, riding a bike, etc. Whatever gets you moving and will keep you motivated to stay active.
  • I eat pop tarts for breakfast (well today it was a cupcake) and chips for lunch and I haven't gained a pound in a year. I do exercise a lot. I mean, not all day.....I work, my husband works, I have a kid, and volunteer commitments. But I make time for regular exercise. But that exercise just affects how much I can eat, not…
  • I have a fitbit and I really like it. It keeps me moving, since I want to see that calorie burn climb a bit. Activity trackers can be great tools, but you can't rely on them to do everything. I'd really recommend that you read this thread:…
  • You're still taking diet pills?
    in Asset 2 Comment by LoraF83 October 2014
  • I don't think anyone said you didn't need fat. You said you were eating low fat. Which is incorrect if you're fat is 63%. And there's nothing wrong with eating high fat. It was just an inaccurate statement and some people were concerned that you were doing low fat and low carb.
  • You need to set your diary to public so we can take a look.
  • She worked there. Of course she swore it worked. That stuff provides her with a pay check.
  • Definitely more of a high-fat, low protein, low carb diet.
  • I would try to avoid using the "homemade" database entries. They are entirely inaccurate for what you're eating. They may have worked for the first person who entered them....but their "turkey leg" does not equal your turkey leg. Also, you're doing a lot of guessing. Guessing how much you're eating. Guessing how many…