My physician diagnosed me with metabolic syndrome after labs and told me the reason I wasn't losing weight was due to insulin resistance. I have witnessed my mother's medical issues from being non compliant and that's not the path I want for my future. I want to be healthy and have energy and enjoy life. I'm also a nurse…
I have a gluten intolerance as well and struggle to come up with food ideas.
I also have a gluten intolerance. I try to stick to meats, fruits, veggies, eggs, greek yogurt, but I do use gluten free chex cereals when I am craving cereal. I use rice noodles as a substitute for spaghetti nights. I buy gluten free soy sauce and bring it with me when we go out for sushi. I buy Peanut Butter & Co's white…
Anything Tupac Raw- Old Dirty *kitten* Freak Hoes- TRU Juicy- Biggie CREAM- WU TANG Regulators- Warren G Today Was A Good Day- Ice Cube Gin and Juice- Snoop Dogg I got 5 on it- Luniz
I am definitely trying this!
My daughter was the same way, she had no athletic ability and I couldnt get her off the couch for anything. I cant get her to do anything! I started serving my children only serving sizes when it came to dinner. No seconds unless it was salad. I just quit bringing a lot of junk food and started finding healthier options to…
You just have to make time for yourself to exercise. You can do it, but you have to make it a priority in your life. I am in college full time, I work full time, I have three children, and I make sure I work out five days week. I often study for tests while walking on a treadmill that way I can accomplish two things at…
I work out on my lunch breaks at work a couple times a week and on Monday nights between work and my night class. I change all of my clothes including undergarments and I keep a supply of wipes, baby powder, and deodorant in my gym bag. Ive never had any issue.
The biggest thing that gets on my nerves is the negative comments. I dont understand why people feel the need to be so mean when this site is here to help and motivate.
I love my Zumba class. I burn on average 800 calories for an hour class, but it is super high intensity class.
It's all about moderataion. You can eat whatever you want as long as you have the calories available. It helps me a lot. Its easier to know I can have something and just eat the portion size serving and know that if I want it tomorrow I can have it again. This is a lifestyle change and if you deprive yourself of your…
It works!! I burn tons of calories and my muscles are always sore the next day! We even do a dance holding hand weights to work our upper body and its killer!!
Same boat here. I just put in a friend request!
The only time you need to cut out milk is if your body is allergic to it. If you're not showing signs of being allergic, then you dont need to cut it out. Milk has vitamins, protein, & calcium that your body needs. Just stick to skim/fat free milk.
I had ths same problem when I started lifting weights. From what I have was told by my coach, as you lift weights you are damaging your muscles to build them up, when damaged they retain water to aid in the repair. It took me a while and I started losing the weight again, but I lost inches in the process.
You are doing an amazing job!!!
Everyone has their own opions, but 1st and foremost, always eat your calories. Your body needs them. For me, it doesnt matter what time I eat or if my dinner is larger calories then breakfast as long as I stay in my calorie range I will see a loss. Make sure you exercise, it will help you lose inches faster. I personally…
I weigh in on Friday mornings, that way if I splurge on the weekends.. I have all week to make up for it!
lol.. better at home then in public!!! Great Job
I fully understand, my hubby makes a homemade Caramel cake that yells at me!! He thinks I am nuts, but it calls out for me just one little bite. So it is off limits in the house unless it is a holiday
Your body is probably lacking calcium or protein, drink up its great for your bones and muscles!!!!!
At times people can just be rude. Whether she was trying to compliment you or not, just remember that you are doing an amazing job and have a huge accomplishment to be proud of.
I did Day 1 today and though it was a little tough towards the end I completed it. I have a bad right knee and could feel it a little. Im thinking that I will do each week atleast twice to help strenghten my knee before I keep moving on to risk hurting it. Do you guys think that would be okay or should I just try to…
Take about a cup of your frozen fruit, add the protein powder, and Almond milk (i just add a little at a time until it reaches the thickness that I want). It is so yummy and filling!!!
I have never been a runner and I have been wanting to try the program so I will start tomorrow!!!
I am 31 and have 3 amazing children.
"Choice, not chance, determines your destiny"- Aristotle
Im also 5'7" and I have a medium/large frame. I first went with 160 as my goal, but then decided I would love to be in the 150s so I set my goal to 155. After always struggling with my weight, it will be a huge accomplishment to reach it and if Im still not happy with myself at 155 I will continue on my journey on.
Wow!!! Amazing Job!!