

  • If you are new to dieting and working out, I would recommend starting with a book. I personally like Bill Philips Body for Life, don't buy it new, you can pick it up at just about every used book store in america. Mainly b/c it's been around a while. It's a great program, it is a realistic program, it sets up for you a 6…
  • Like the others I agree the diet is your answer, try this: Breakfast: Egg Whites and Two slices of whole grain toast(dry) Snack: 2 Boiled Eggs and Orange Lunch: Chicken (boiled or baked), whole grain brown rice(not minute the stuff you have to cook for about 30 minutes), and a frozen green veggie, broccoli, green beans,…
  • Jamie, I can help you with this one, I worked a very similar schedule. Not sure what you do so this may be more difficult for you, but here's how I did it. Still got up around 7-8 am had breakfast Ate my snack after workout arount 10:30ish Got to work at 11am Had my lunch in a bag and ate while I worked at 12:30-1pm…
  • I have about 156 lbs to lose. I have lost 30lbs so far, starting weight of 386. My goals for the next 100 days: Each week lose 5 lbs until I no longer do so with my calorie restiction/diet. By Oct 30 I want to be at 315 lbs. By Nov 30, my anniversary I want to be at or below 300 lbs. I know it's a lofty goal, but I've got…