

  • I have a pair of Fila Ultrafits... same idea! I really like mine a lot! I wear them when I work out and I can feel an enormous difference in the backs of my legs. Since the heel is lower, it forces you to use more of the muscles in the backs of your legs and butt, so it can make a difference for those who do not normally…
  • Cantalope is the first that comes to mind as well as other types of melon. check this site might help!
  • That depends.... Can you tell which of your foods are putting you over? Fruit used to do it to me until I switched to some lower carb fruits.... Are you eating a lot of starch-like snacks? My sister introduced me to dipping cucumber slices in humus... it was suprisingly good! It is very low in calories and carbs and it…
  • I don't use a hula hoop but I did hear that it can take inches off your waist. One of the girls at my gym had been doing it everyday for 15 mninutes and she said she saw results.... hmmmmm???? Might be the purchase of a lifetime! Good luck! :smile: