lauramur Member


  • I take fish oils when I don't have any oil in a day. I find fish oils noticeably benefit my skin and joints. They are also good for memory and brain function but I think that's a hard one to measure. I also take b-complex which I find great for energy and overall health. I take amino acids. They are based on the new…
  • Thanks for the replies- I would rather avoid going out and spending more money on a hrm or a device that will calculate for me. I just want a general idea as to whether or not I am putting in too many calories burned by using calisthenics. I don't need it to be specific but obviously don't want to be too far out either.
  • I think you should ask your doctor to refer you to a dietician that specialises with endometriosis and other womb/hormonal issues. Weight gain and struggle to lose is a side effect. Also, it's only been 5 weeks- give your body time to adjust. I would also up to 1500 cals a day. Your body could be in starvation mode. What I…