krazykayzy Member


  • I think sometimes we just have to remember that this isn't an "exact science" when it comes down to each individual little calorie. We have to "ball park" it. When someone's BMR is 1400 this is a calculation that has room for error by 5/10/15 calories (who really knows "exactly") So technically their BMR could be anwhere…
  • p.s. exercise is never has other benefits besides just burning calories......:wink:
  • We understand your question....when MyFitnessPal calculates your daily calories it has already accounted for a 500 calorie reduction. In otherwords if your requirement is 1200 calories to lose 1 lb per week then you would need to eat 1700 to MAINTAIN your weight regardless of whether or not you exercise....because you will…
  • Yippee! 1 pound to go..... Start: November/07 -- 157 1st week January 11 -- 143 2nd week January 18 -- 143 3rd week January 25 -- 140 4th week February 1 --137 5th week February 8 -- 136 Valentine's Goal: -- 135 Overall goal: -- 120
  • I go.... For those people who are trying to lose weight and BURN FAT....spending hours on the treadmill/stairmaster/elliptical machines is not what you want to do!!!!! Cardio is Cardio...meaning cardiovascular activity...meaning you are working your heart muscle. The harder/longer you work out the less fat you…
  • This is a copy of what I ate today and the times that I ate them. At the moment I am soooo stuffed I don't even want to think about food. I'm cycling my calories, meaning I eat 1400 calories for three days in a row and then on the fourth day I eat 1800 calories regardless of how much I exercise. I also have a higher…
  • I like it!!!! :laugh:
  • After being in a rut at 143 for 4 or 5 weeks I seem to be making up for lost time! I have two weeks to lose two more pounds and I know I can do it!!!!! I hope everyone else is maintaining a positive outlook....don't let a plateau get you down, the last couple of weeks I've been shifting things up a bit to try and break…
  • Absolutely drink your calories! If the thought of eating more doesn't appeal to you (I wish :tongue: ) than drink milk, juice, or even tea/coffee with sugar in it.
  • 3lbs lost this week makes up for not losing any last week. :happy: I'm feeling 100% confident about my valentine's goal.....especially seeing as my husband is out of town working until the weekend before valentine's (he was a chef for many years and still enjoys cooking at home, not a big help when it comes to weight loss…
  • You might need to shake your system up a little. I cycle my calories meaning that I eat 1400 calories for two days in a row (regardless of how much I exercise) and then on the third day I eat 1800 calories (again regardless of how much I exercise) and I consistently lose weight with this method. You do need to remember…
  • Hey guys....if you're really having problems getting all your calories in (I wish that was me:laugh: ) try drinking them. Have a glass of milk with dinner, drink apple juice with breakfast, have a cup of coffee with flavoring in it, etc. Those things all have at least 100 calories per cup. It will top up your calories and…
  • I'm cycling my calories.....I've done it in the past (after the birth of my first child) and am doing it again (after the birth of my second child). It worked like a charm the first time and is working again this time. Because I'm breastfeeding I cycle my calories 1400 on days one and two and then 1800 on day three....and…
  • I have the opposite problem....I'm usually under with my carbs, bang on for fats and always over (sometimes by double:ohwell: ) with my protein. My calories are usually even or just under. I sometimes wonder if I should do something about that, but I do a weight program 3 days a week building muscle, so I hope its…
  • I've done a cleanse before and felt it was a waste of money.....however, there are many different ones out there and maybe some of them work. I think the diet detox's are probably more effective and natural then a 'cleansing kit'. Now that's just my opinion, sometimes you just have to try something yourself to form your…
  • I'm a breastfeeding mom too....and to solve the problem I just added it as a cardiovascular exercise. Under cardiovascular exercise it says add exercise and then when you click on that there is an option to "add exercise not listed". I chose that, labled it breastfeeding and entered 500 calories. This is what I did and it…
  • I am somewhat disappointed over the fact that I haven't lost any weight this week. HOWEVER, my silver lining is that my stomach is quite abit flatter and less pudgy. The last couple of days I've had to look twice in the mirror there has been such a difference. Losing inches is always better than the number on the scale…
  • This dish is supposed to be just cauliflower...there should be no potato anywhere near it! The cauliflower should be cooked longer if you are finding it is still crunchy. I add a little bit of garlic and some pepper and you should be good to go! The first time I had it I was a little nervous....I'm not a fan of cauliflower…
  • I haven't taken any of the challenges before. However, my weight sort of plateaud over Christmas :tongue: (at least I didn't gain any:wink: ) So here I am checking in: Start: November/07 -- 157 Current: January/08 -- 143 Valentine's Goal: -- 135 Overall goal: -- 120 My birthday is February 18 so if I keep on track and…
  • Hi Terry...Part of the reason you are probably struggling is because you seem to be depriving yourself of calories early in the day, so when dinner/evening rolls around your body is starving and you take down more than you should. Try planning your menu first thing in the morning by entering your foods into the computer…
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