cesabo Member


  • I hate push ups! But I did do the modified ones, just not very well. I hope they get better. I have strong legs, so those exercises weren't too bad. My abs will hurt tomorrow. This felt good!
    in Day 3 Comment by cesabo December 2013
  • My name is Colleen and I'm single. I play deck hockey and am learning to enjoy long distance running. I usually workout 3 -5 times a week. I'm looking to tone up more and hopefully lose a few pounds in the process. I'm currently in a "Run 1 mile each day" group with some of my friends. I'm hoping that adding this regimen…
  • Hi, I'm Colleen. I'm 37, 5'3, 146lbs. I'm looking to lose another 10 pounds by the end of the year. My 20th high school class reunion is next May and I'd like to look better for that. I typically play deck hockey, softball or go running, 4-6 times a week. But now that it's dark out in the evening, I'll be looking to switch…
  • I'm 5'3 and my goal is 135lbs. But being fit and healthy is my ultimate goal.