

  • Happy Easter Everybody, now just because it is a holiday doesn't mean you don't have to exercise a bit. Im not saying go for a 5 mile run, just take your family and go on a walk through the woods, or maybe just a stroll by the river, get outside, and enjoy this beautiful spring!! But I hope everybody has a happy Easter....…
  • The biggest change is my energy levels. I feel great!!! I want to get out and do things, i don't get as much anymore (which is great) and I sleep much better during the night!!!
  • yes JILLIAN MICHAELS! She works you hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But my problem is I get bored doing her videos over and over and over again. I have 30 day shred, banish fat boost metabolism, the extreme shed and shred. I just only can do them once in a while, otherwise im just too bored, and quit! What I wish i had was a…
  • Easter Candie.... oh man... everytime I walk in walmart thats all i see!!! Its so hard not to grab a bag of chocolate eggs... All I can think about sometimes is eating candy, but you know that sick awful feeling you feel in the stomach afterward. Well thats what makes me say no. You may get caught in the moment about "…
  • Hi I'm Sabrina, and I'm 18 years old, I've been dealing with being over weight throughout my high school experience, but before collage I want to drop those pounds. I'm 5'9" so my goal is to be around 125-135. I have started myfitnesspal about a month and a half ago, and have already lost 15lbs so now im at 155. People…