

  • Way to go ladies - each and every one of you rock. If wear a bikini whether you are a size 0 or 26 and feel good in it, then I just have one thing to say: You Go Girl!
  • I had done it straight 5 days until Monday when my cold won and I took a non planned rest day. But I pushed myself to do it and zumba class last night so I'm back on track. Hoping to move on to level 2 this weekend. Joining this challenge has pushed me to keep on doing it so thanks.
  • I did level 1 day 2 a few minutes ago. I was surprised that I didn't wake up sore today. I walked for about 15 minutes and had zumba today so I was dreading it tonight. A little soreness had set in but I was able to do most of the advanced level other than the side lunges. Also took some bad beginning shots and…
  • I'm in. I've done it for a few times lbut only got to 25 days before I quit. I hope to stick with it all month long. I do zumba classes twice a week and walk 30 minutes 3-5 times a week. I don't want to lose weight but would love to lose some inches around the waist, gain some muscle and tone up. Off to do day 1 level 1.
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