

  • wow SNEWSOME! that description was amazing! Thank you for the information. It made lots of since and you did well!
  • Good Luck. Just make sure that you are making a LIfestyle change, not on a diet. Very different, diets are a bounce back word. I call it that because normally we "bounce back" to the weight we previously were. LIFESTYLE change is constant. Consistency is what you want. You want to loose it and then maintain it. I love my…
  • That's what I use and I love it
  • Thats what I do. I was told the other day I was doomed to failure and that if I continued I would NEVER loose weight. I looked her right in the eyes and said "Really, I have already lost 33 lbs, How much have you lost?" (shes lost 10 doing weight watchers for the same amount of time) Normally the best thing to do is…
  • In texas they tax us through liscensing for our cars. I know I pay an arm and a bundled for it. So if anyone owns a car (even if they have a bike they ride constantly) then they have paid taxes for the roads to repair them and to repair bridges. IN all areas we need to RESPECT everyone, pedestrians, bicyclists, other…
  • I do the same thing. Even when Im not motivated i put on my work out clothes. 1. it gets me into the thought of working out and 2. once I put them on the hardest step is the first one then I'm gone.
  • HHHMMMM. 2 weeks is all you are going to give yourself? Its taken years to put that stuff on, your not going to get rid of it overnight. One of the posters was right when he said it's not linear. You may see that weight go up some, go down. Women TOM makes a big difference. i normally drop 5 lbs of water weight at the end…
  • I have mixed feelings about it. First of all it could be that my hubby and I work out together when we can. since he is on rotating shifts it's hard to work out together sometimes but that being said I know the feelings that pop up between me and him when we are working out together. (there is just something about seeing…
  • WHY? Please explain why. THis doesnt help her at all if you dont explain your reasoning behind it all.
  • I gain massive weight if I eat back my exercise calories. The reason is sometimes the calories are not that accurate if I truly ony burned 100 but my HRM says 300 and I eat 300 I have ate 200 calories over. If I burn alot that day like tomorrow cleaning for the entire day. Then yeah I'll eat a little more. But not if all I…
  • I have been having problems with my digestion what does acai juice do?
  • Omg You are looking GREAT, FANTASTIC! Keep it up.
  • I quit cold Turkey. Didn't have a choice it was making me sick and I can't drink diet. I have one every now and then. 1 per month or so
  • My hubby agreed to take me on a trip to the beach. I live inland about 10 hours from the coast in Texas. I want to go to key west and stay in a bed and breakfast that opens onto the beach. But I told him Galveston will be okay as we'll if we cant do key west. I will also go bathing suit shopping and get me a bikini.…
  • My point was regardless of whether it was rude or not I would still gladly tell them I'm 188 lbs today I was at 220 and my goal weight is 140. I feel like ignoring the question is ignoring the fact that I had an issue with food and that because of it I now have a very good chance of diabetes. I want to be proud of what I…
  • I agree. It's all about owning responsibility about where you are at. If you don't own up to the responsibility that you did this to yourself how are you ever going to change. I'm a food addict. I love the stuff and I would eat it even when I wasn't hungry. I couldn't stay away. I had to own up and tell myself that I am…
  • I know this is a silly question but have you talked him about this. It seems to me that you are asking us about this issue and not talking to the one person you should be talking to. He is involved and he needs to know. After that you need to talk to a counselor. From a personal standpoint I know the feeling but love is…
  • I go with my HRM but thats because I can take an intervals in it determins based on where my heart rate is. I deem that more reliable than something just telling me oh you walked a mile then you burned this many calories. That is not true the heavier you are the more you are going to burn. the lighter you are the more you…
  • Most of all I learned, That I have the will power and the ability to get up and move even when I dont feel like TO be patient with my body. That I put on this weight through many years of processing, and it will take a long time for it to come off to. That My husband really does like to work out and with me. That My…
  • Technically speaking, NO. Even splenda is showing signs of carcenogens. I believe sacralose is pretty good (pink packet) I personally do not use artificial sweetners except sacralose and splenda. I mainly will use sugar in moderation. I am one of those people who can "prove" how dangerous nutrasweet is. It breaks down into…
  • It may be osteo arthritis, or wear and tear of cartilage. Have you had any knee injuries or trauma to the knee. Reason I asked is because I have spent about 5000 dollars trying to figure out why min was doing the same thing. I had trauma to the knee in 2000. The doctor told me it was arthritis caused by the acl tear and…
  • funny you said that on the 30 ds they do I think its 3 mins strength 2 mins cardio 1 min abs. She says it doesnt work with just one or the other you have to incorporate both.. so interesting that your dr said that and now I hear it on julian. I think i've been doing this all wrong my whole life...I used to do just cardio.
  • I havent seen anything on it yet. however that doesnt mean its not there. I do know that during the program she only incourages rest at 5 seconds at a time. she states you dont do a 20 min only program and expect rest and have results thats not how it works. I do it but I do it 4 times a week and do something different on…
  • I wasnt real sure so I googled it. from what people are saying on sharecare, its a physics issue. Pretty intersting thoughts :smile: http://www.sharecare.com/question/heavier-people-lose-weight-faster
  • I agree. Hydrocodone can cause severe constipation. It's in the warnings on it. I took it for three years straight for back pain before I had surgery and thankfully Im no longer on it. BUT, because of the usage I had to indure I do ask the physicians to get me pain pills that are not hydrocodone. IT was hard to ween myself…
  • Acutally it is a known diaretic. sorta like drinking a glass of unsweetened tea. There is a thing called a lemon diet where you drink like a tablespoon of lemon every day. Look it up on the internet. Type in the lemon diet. I bet you will find loads on it. Note for the wise. a tablespoon to two tablespoons in water is like…
  • OH yes. Mini goals are the BEST thing in the world. I remember about 2 months ago when I saw 199. I would make your minigoals no more than 10lbs at a time. I havea bouncy ball for a body. I'll have drastic weight loss then plateau, however I recently realized that on the days that Im at one weight for several weeks at a…
  • I really dont know how i motivate myself. Its a true fact that when you are truly ready for change then it will come easy to just get up and do it. Before I decided I had to do something about my weight I would tell my hubby we are going to go to the gym. IT would never come. WHY I wasnt ready to put the effort in to…
  • I agree, I work at a hospital so I've seen nasty stuff to. I think maybe make your daughter sit down and watch a horders marathon. thats normally how I put myself in the mood to clean. When I watch those I end up wiping even the baseboards down.
  • honestly. Mine need it badly. Tell her to think about it this way. Pets go outside and poop then chase a cat right through that poop so naturally they have it on their feet, then they run inside and jump on her bedroom door trying to get in. they touch the doornob and she gets up goes to the front room comes back and…