

  • I love the one at my Gym. five days a week i do 1000+ cal in 55 minutes with no joint pain.
  • http://www.welltall.com/ymc/discovery/fatloss/cardio.html I have found the information on this website to be very helpful. Never mind the physics unless your into it. Personally I'm working on an arc trainer with 12 min of low intensity (120 heart rate) as a warm up and 48 minutes of med to high (150-176 heart rate). i…
    in HRM in zone Comment by powe8525 May 2009
  • Post work out carbs are almost never translated into body fat. Funny thing is most 'good' protein shakes will come with sugar to spike insulin levels. What that does is shuts down the bodies ability to burn fats as fuel and starts pumping amino acids and energy (in the form of blood sugars) into the muscle cells. These…