lmkt1 Member


  • I agree, a lot of the bars are really candy. The bar that I find works best for me as a meal replacement, is made by Genuine Health; "Fermented Vegan Proteins", the lemon coconut flavour is very good. It has 210 cal, 9 gr of fat, 10 gr of fibre, yes 10! and 14 gr protein. If I want it as a snack, I eat only half. Its…
  • Count me in too!
  • Just wondering, are you getting enough protein at meal time and snacks? I had the same problem as you but found that limiting my carbs, and upping my protein seemed to calm those hunger pains. I have a smoothie for snacks, which includes some whey protein powder.
    in Always hungry Comment by lmkt1 July 2015
  • I picked up mine on Thursday, and love it especially for tracking my sleep, (or lack of it). I knew my sleep was restless but to actually SEE the episodes is a an eye opener. My lack of sleep, leads to poor food choices, etc.. so this is where I need to focus for now.
  • Emotional eating is my downfall. So far, I have been able to keep it in check but yesterday the stars appeared to have aligned in a most sinister way, and I fell off the wagon. I fell far. :o Not a protein or veggie was in sight. Carbs are my enemy and I was taken prisoner. Today, I am retaining more water than the Hoover…
  • Hi Shelly, Welcome back! I am very much like you, restarting here myself about 2 weeks ago. I too have BP issues and have along way to go as well. One step, one day at a time. Feel free to add me and we can do this together!
  • I just turned 60 this year and am really tired of the yo you dieting. I'm hoping to find some support and get motivation to start this journey, (once again)
  • Hi everyone! Its my third time back on MFP and hope its a charm. I have a question and I'm not sure if I'm posting it in the right category, so please excuse any transgression there. What are you favourite between meal snacks that pack some protein and are not through the roof in sodium? I'm monitoring my salt intake and…
  • Waving from SW Calgary here!