amem07 Member


  • Thanks! I am going to look into those! That book " New Rules of Lifting for Women" looks pretty good! I might have to pick it up!
  • Ok so this is good for me. I am a cardio only person..... always have been. As far as strenght training - what should I bo doing? I do go to a gym so I have access to weights and machines but i wouldn't even know where to start? What exercises should I do? Or follow some type of program? Thanks for any help!
  • Maybe I could chime in here a bit :) My brother in-law owns a running store....and I come from a family of runners. The shoes and actually also the socks are the most important!!! Go to a running store....they should be able to tell you what type of running shoes you need depending on any aches, pains, and also they should…
  • Ok I am convinced!!! I am going to buy one!!! I will check out Amazon and see what I can find :)
  • Does a food sacel really help? I have never thought of using one....... I just kind of guess at what I am eating? Maybe that is why I am not losing a lot of weight?
  • Good luck you are already on your way!!!
  • That's amazing!!! Looking forward to when I can stop haning everything up too!!! GREAT JOB!!!!!!