Catalpa62 Member


  • I got the DVDs from a friend, so I had to get the mat and band separately. But I've got them now, and I'm jazzed for Monday! Can't wait until I get out of work!
  • I'm starting 1/21. I need to get a mat and a resistance band, and then I'll be good to go. I'll be your buddy, even if we are on different weeks!
  • A friend asked me to be in her wedding. I said yes, of course, and went to go get fitted for the dress. I was a size 18 when I thought I had been a size 14, at most. I came home that day, stripped down, and looked at myself. *Really* looked. What I saw was unacceptable. That day, I found MFP, and I've never looked back.…
  • It was a harsh reality check when I started logging everything I ate, but I found that it really motivated me to cut out what I didn't need and control my portions. Glad you're back, and way to go on your first week! :D
  • What pleased me even more than seeing my ankle bones was seeing my knees! Finally! :D Great NSV!
  • You look so fantastic! And what encouragement - I've never worn a two-piece, either. This will be me one day!!! Way to go!
  • Just be diligent about updating and stay strong - those Reese's Cups call to me, too! It's nerve-wracking at first, but once those pounds start to fall off, it's worth it! You can do it!!
  • My toes used to go numb when I did the elliptical. I figured that wasn't a very good thing (numbness = lack of blood flow) and stopped doing it. Never found out what caused it, though. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you aren't alone!!
  • I just joined yesterday, too. So far, so good! :D
  • I just started, too. And though I'm kinda dreading seeing the realities of what I put into my body, I'm excited to start the process of fixing it. My biggest problem is staying motivated, especially if I don't see results. Hopefully I'll be able to stick to this!
    in HI Comment by Catalpa62 February 2012