Catalpa62 Member


  • I'm in the same boat! It seems I can work out or eat right - but both at once feels impossible! Feel free to add me. I'm back at it and very motivated.
  • SW: 159.5 CW: 159.5 GW for Jan: 154.5 GW: 145 Weigh in dates: Start of Month (01/01 Thurs): 159.5 01/03 Sat: 159.5 01/10 Sat: 158.0 01/17 Sat: 156.0 01/24 Sat: End of Month (01/31 Sat): Total Weight Loss for Jan: 3.5 Just a couple more weeks until January's end - plenty of time to meet your goals!
  • First weigh-in. SW: 159.5 CW: 159.5 GW for Jan: 154.5 GW: 145 Weigh in dates: Start of Month (01/01 Thurs): 159.5 01/03 Sat: 159.5 01/10 Sat: 158.0 01/17 Sat: 01/24 Sat: End of Month (01/31 Sat): Total Weight Loss for Jan: 1.5 Difficulties for me this week included breaking the habit of "holiday" eating (we still have a…
  • I need something to help me stay motivated and accountable, so I'm in, too! SW: 159.5 CW: 159.5 GW for Jan: 154.5 GW: 145 Weigh in dates: Start of Month (01/01 Thurs): 159.5 01/03 Sat: 159.5 01/10 Sat: 01/17 Sat: 01/24 Sat: End of Month (01/31 Sat): Total Weight Loss for Jan: I'm excited to start this with you ladies!
  • I was confused by this, too, until I realized that the Kickstart week counted as Week 1. So if you do the Kickstart and go through the 12 week program, it'll be 13 weeks/90 days. If you didn't do the Kickstart (like myself), then it'll just be a 12 week program. :)
    in Week 13? Comment by Catalpa62 April 2013
  • Every time I finish Cardio 3, I am amazed and proud that I made it through. It's a killer routine! I do my second round of WO11 tonight. We're almost there, guys!!
    in Phase 3 Comment by Catalpa62 April 2013
  • Funny enough, I haven't lost any weight. I'm at a bit of a plateau, unfortunately, but it's okay - I'm toning like whoa! My legs, arms, back, and core have never been stronger, and my boyfriend says that my butt looks amazing! I'm just going to keep working at it. I'm sure I'll start to lose again eventually. :)
  • I've kept at it! I'm halfway through Week 10, and I've got Cardio 3 to look forward to after work today. And I really am looking forward to it - Cardio 3 is definitely the most fun/interesting cardio circuit.
  • I like that it's using research done by the National Institutes of Health. Seeing the science and the formulas behind this model really make it seem legit to me. Not to mention that the calorie amount it spat out to maintain my current weight was very close to what other websites had calculated as my TDEE, and the calorie…
  • Well, I've just finished Cardio 3, and I don't think I've ever sweat so much, hahah. But it's very do-able! This is going to be an incredibly fun final phase!!
  • I'm not going to sugar coat it: Phase 3 is rough. Workout 9 is the hardest yet - I had more trouble with these moves than in any other workout. Workout 10 is tough, but doable. On a friend's suggestion, I watched Cardio 3 to prepare for doing it tomorrow. One word: yikes. HOWEVER! I do feel like Phase 2 prepared for me the…
  • I'm starting Phase 3 today!! I'm more nervous for Workouts 9 and 10 than I have been for any of the previous ones, though I can't say why. Well, we'll see! Hope everyone else is doing well!
  • Man, she is not messing around with Workout 7. My shoulders and arms are *screaming* today! I'm looking forward to Workout 8, though. :)
  • :( :( :( What a b!tch! That is so rude. I'm sorry that happened to you. The best thing to do, I think, would be to try to use it as motivation. Think of that lady's face when you're throwing your punches or whenever you get discouraged, and then think of her face when you get the body you want!
  • Cardio 2: plie' hops into cross-jacks are the devil. Oh well. Hahah It's hard to believe that I've almost finished Workouts 5 and 6; just one more of each to go. These past two weeks have flown by! I hope everyone else is doing well!
  • Yup, Cardio 1 was pretty terrible, but it will get easier as you keep with it. Just grit your teeth and power through! :)
  • People at work didn't notice (or at least didn't say anything...) until I had lost 30lbs! And I'm 5'2", so those extra thirty were pretty obvious. The changes have been a little more subtle since starting JMBR, and it's winter here, so I'm wearing my old, enormouse sweaters, but a friend who knows I'm doing it says that my…
  • Hey all! After a bit of waffling, I've decided to move on to workouts 5 and 6 this week. Workout 3 is still tough, but I can get through all of it, and I feel like I shouldn't wait for the workouts to become easy to move on. How's everyone else doing?? Have you seen any results yet??
  • Oooh, I love Mumford and Sons! That'll be a great show - I'm jealous! :tongue:
  • I just did my third Workout 3 last night. Some moves are easier, but the plank-ups are still a major struggle for me, as is the inchworm. Even the push-ups - I have trouble getting low with them. I think I may have to widen my arms. But yeah, this is definitely the hardest workout so far. I don't have the same resistance…
  • Woo! That's so awesome! I'm coming up on finishing Phase 1, and I'm already noticing a change in my arms and butt. I can't wait to see the numbers! Way to go!
  • Just did my second day of Workout Three. Plank ups and inchworms are my arch-enemies. I can do maybe half the interval for inchworms then have to switch to crunches. The plank ups aren't as bad, but I really struggle near the end. However, I was able to do more today than I was the first time. And I went lower with my push…
  • A bikini! I've never worn one, and I am so determined to look strong and sexy on the beach this summer! And next will be a pair of shorts. Guh, I can't wait!
  • I just finished Workout 3. Barely. By the time she reached the 'plank-ups', I was about ready to cry, lol. It was definitely difficult, and now I know what Jillian meant when she told us to enjoy weeks one and two. But I WILL get stronger. These moves WILL get easier. And when I'm in a bikini in Mexico, I WILL look…
  • Second week, workout 1 - finished! I upped my weights from 3lb to 6lb, and was definitely feeling it in the lateral raises and tricep work. But I have to push myself in order to improve, and I intend to do exactly that! I've started doing the advanced moves for some of the circuits - jumping with the squats, adding weights…
  • Those are the bane of my existence. I'm looking forward to doing it again, though, to see if I've gotten any better at them. I was really struggling by the third circuit.
  • Just finished Cardio 1. Dang. Nearly killed me. Hahaha But I made it, and those of you who haven't done it yet will make it, too! For those of you who have already, well done!
  • Day 2 check in! I'm definitely feeling this second workout in my quads and abs, but I still enjoyed it. I have a feeling that will change when Jillian kicks my butt in Cardio tomorrow, though. >.< Good job to everyone else who did it today!!
  • Weeks 1 & 2: Disc 1, Disc 2, Cardio1, Disc 1, Disc 2, Cardio1 Those are the ones I know off the top of my head. I'll have to reference the manual when I get home to post the full rotation.
  • Whew! Just finished Day 1, and boy, do I feel it! It's hard work, but switching between exercises keeps it interesting and makes the thirty minutes go by quickly. Can't wait for tomorrow! And good job everyone who completed Day 1!! Let's keep it going!