LB2812 Member


  • ^^ This. If you need a label, you are an "omnivore." How often you eat meat is irrelevant. You are not at all a vegetarian if you are still eating meat a few days a week. You are just a regular omnivore who doesn't eat a lot of meat. You don't have to explain why you are choosing a meat-less option anymore than you have to…
  • Agree, mix it up! If you're usual experience with a salad is iceberg lettuce and a grape tomato and slice of cucumber, then yes... not very exciting. There's no rule about what you can or can't put in a salad, so think of things you like and throw them in. Some combos will work better than others of course. I personally…
  • I recently made stuffed peppers and had kale in them and it was delicious! And I am not normally a fan of kale or peppers lol I don't have an exact recipe, so feel free to alter this... I sauteed veggies - I think i had mushrooms, kale, onion, garlic, maybe carrots?, tomatos. Added that to cooked quinoa Added in some soy…
  • I make a veggie chili & it's delicious, but I never write down the recipe! I tend to just throw whatever I have in the crockpot. Staples: beans (usually red kidney & black), tomatos (canned or fresh), peppers, onion, a little garlic, taco seasoning.... And the best addition ever: pumpkin or sweet potato! Amazing! Gives it…
  • A definate yes for me! We were poor, my parents didn't know how to cook, and my mom was an extremely picky eater who didn't like anything. So my diet was very limited and unhealthy, though I know they were doing the best they could. I would eat a bowl of white rice as a dinner. Or a bowl of pasta. The main "vegetable" was…
  • Former very picky eater here! :flowerforyou: My advice would be to keep trying the things you think you might not like... and to try them different ways! I feel like your tastes buds definately change over time depending on what you are used to. I used to not like ANY vegetables and eat minimal fruit, now there's barely a…
  • The only thing I really use my crockpot for is veggie chili. I don't have a real recipe (though I'm sure there are many out there). I usually put in 2-3 cans of beans (black, red, white, whatever, I'll use a can that has chili seasoning if I have it), tomatos (fresh or canned), peppers, onion, a little garlic, salsa if…
  • Huh, thanks for posting this, you're making me think I should see a doctor again as that sounds like what I have. I saw a gastro years ago who said I had reflux (which didn't make sense to me since I never had heartburn) and esophagul ulcers. I asked him about my sinuses & he brushed it off. Gave me some meds I don't…
    in Reflux Comment by LB2812 July 2014
  • I definately try to. If I don't, I end up spending more money - both on buying convenience foods because I have nothing ready to go & I need to eat and/or by throwing away fresh food that went bad because I didn't prep it & plan for it & use it. So I try to do it for health reasons (normally whatever I'm eating to "eat…
  • I always bring a pasta salad (with pasta, beans, veggies in italian dressing) - it holds well and covers all my food groups. PB&J Veggies on the grill hummus with veggies and/or pita or pretzel chips Fruit like grapes, apples, bananas... stuff that will hold well and is easy to eat.
  • Another suggestion (in case anyone finds themselves with too many walnuts again!) is these zucchini almond burgers. They're pretty easy to make and taste great! (also, i've never toasted the almonds first - cuz i'm lazy - and it's still good)
  • You could use tofu instead. I scramble up tofu like eggs and I like it even better than eggs. I don't like the way eggs reheat, so by using tofu I can pack it up for work and reheat it and it still tastes good. The texture isn't as mushy either. You could also do a combo of eggs and tofu (that's actually how I started when…
  • I've used it a few times recently and I like it. I used it the first time in a walk I already knew the distance of and found it to be accurate. I found the calorie burn to be about the same that MFP was giving me, maybe slightly less. I recently realized I can choose for it to "auto pause" so that anytime I stop to tie my…
  • I have a vitamix and i love it, but it was expensive. If you only really want it to do smoothies, I might go with something cheaper. I use mine for other things too (ice creams, soups, salsas, etc.) so it gets pretty good use and I want it to last forever so I think it was worth it. I've heard wonderful things about both…
  • I've been on a hummus kick lately - so whole grain bread with hummus (sweet red pepper is my fav!), spinach & tomato, a little italian dressing and dijon mustard. Avocado would probably be a nice addition too... I find it a nice addition to most anything! :P I also like mashed chickpeas or tuna fish with just a little…
  • I haven't tried it yet but I had heard good things, I just bought Nutribiotic Rice Protein powder - it's just rice protein + natural vanilla. I was looking for something that was vegan, no carageenan and no stevia/fake sugar... seemed like slim pickings!
  • I skimmed, so this has probably already been covered, but beans is the easiest thing to add to your meals in my opinion to up your protein a bit. Beans, nuts, nut butters, hummus, tofu, tempeh, seitan, soy milk, soy/alternative "meat" products, etc. are all good sources of protein as well as whole grains and veggies. For…
  • I do about 95% of my shopping at Trader Joes & Aldi. Between the two I've found really good, low prices and the variety of foods I need... On occasion I need an item not sold at either and I go to the regular grocery store or Whole Foods... Whole Foods I go for the more unigue items I want I can't get elsewhere... oh and…
  • I love hummus :) I like Sabra brand best... the roasted red pepper is my favorite... or the olive... I like Trader Joes hummus too... I haven't had good luck making it myself :( I think I'm not using enough oil maybe? Never comes out creamy enough.
    in Hummus Comment by LB2812 June 2014
  • PUMPKIN HUMMUS???! Where does such a magical thing come from? Or do you make it yourself????
    in Hummus Comment by LB2812 June 2014
  • mmm I'm not too familiar with all the places on the list, but when I forget my lunch I usually find myself at Au Bon Pain. I get the veggie salad with avocado - it has chickpeas, greek olives, cheese, roasted peppers, veggies + avocado + balsamic dressing. I get the seeded wheat bread on the side also. Fills me up for…
  • I just added a bit of the bean chili i made last night to my eggs + cheese + wrapped it in a burrito... it was good! I like to hard boil eggs & mix it with avocado... YUM. Doesn't even need anything else. If i don't have avocado I'll make a quick egg salad with a little light mayo, mustard, italian dressing. My husband…
    in Eggs Comment by LB2812 June 2014
  • I know how you feel. I always think I'm going to look ridiculous huffing & puffing & clearly out of shape trying to run.... I try to remind myself of a couple things though. For starters, when I see other people running & they're heavy or huffing & puffing or whatever, I am always super impressed by them! I always think…
  • It's a personal decision, some people think it's a terrible idea, some love it and of course it all depends on why you're doing it and what you hope to get out of it. You could start by reducing your meat intake and ease into it slowly so as to ensure you are going about it in a healthy way. This could be by cutting meat…
    in Vegetarianism Comment by LB2812 May 2014
  • Mmm Avocado! I think it tastes way better and i'm getting some nutritional value with the calories. If I use mayo, I use light mayo, don't use a lot and use mustard also. I get some creamyness with the mayo and more flavor from the mustard. And there's so many different flavors of mustard out there!
  • I would just keep trying veggies in different ways - raw, cooked, sauteed, frozen vs. fresh, etc. And try it more than once! Maybe make a stir fry, or mix some into a bean chili... add some to a salsa... make a big salad and add fruit to it too (I love salad when it has fruit!).... Try roasting potatos with olive oil and…
  • Ha yes! Vegetarian does not automatically equal skinny... still have to learn to make good choices :) Working on that myself! I personally rely on eggs, tofu and beans the most. I have soy "fake" meats here and there but try not to make a habit of it. Lentils. Seitan. Nuts. Beans, beans and more beans :P Chili is a…
  • I typically eat eggs or tofu scrambled like eggs (i don't like re-heated eggs, the tofu I can make ahead and re-heat at work). I usually add potatos or a wrap, but you could skip that to keep it low carb. Also, don't limit yourself to breakfast foods! No reason you can't have a meal similar to what you might have for lunch…
  • Chili? If you've got a lunch box with a freezer pack, it'll stay good and it doesn't need to be eaten hot. You can make chili in varying degrees of "healthy" too depending on what he likes (good place to sneak in some veggies!). Otherwise, sandwiches are probably easiest. Pasta Salad. Hard boiled eggs.
  • A couple sandwiches I sometimes make - chickpea salad (basically cook and mash the chickpeas - but not too mushy, leave a little chunk - and then treat it like you would your tuna salad!) or a hummus sandwich.... i might have whole wheat with hummus, spinach, tomato, etc. etc. I pretty much like any sandwich I can put…