

  • You look fabulous! I gotta say, I am impressed! BTW, what supplement did you take? I've got hay fever and with the spring hitting kind of early my allergies have kind of gone into over drive...
  • I almost cried my first week... seriously couldn't imagine how many calories, not good ones either were in the food I was eating... this site is addictive and an eye opener but, you gotta do the work... I feel off the wagon for a month and gained all my weight back! But, thankfully the mindfulness this site is teaching me…
  • Mine is "when are you do?" I'm not pregnant... thanks for your wonderful words of encouragement... (sarcastically)
  • I have a similar situation, my weight gain was caused by medication... I have found that mixing up my exercises help. I've actually started using a program called "Walk At Home" by Leslie Sansone, I need things that are low impact but higher calorie burns. She uses compound movements, adding strength during the cardio…